Çorum Civarında Geleneksel Giysilerin Özellikleri

Characteristics of Traditional Clothes in Çorum and Its Environment

Clothes of Çorum which reflect the traditional of Central Anatolian clothes, constitute a prominent place in the history I of Turkish clothes. It is possible to divide women clothes in Çorum into three-. Those usedfor the head contain canfes, çember and fes; clothes for the body include içlik, sıktırma, shirt, üçetek, bohça kuşağı, dalabulus, şalkuşak, delme, salta, cepken, taha, bindallı, önlük, içdonu, and shalvar. Socks with traditional motifs, shoes, çizme and yemeni are for the feet. Gerdaniye, saka, gırtlak altını, göbek destesi, saç altını, zülfiye, pazvant and silver belt are used as decoration (takı). Clothes of men consist of fes and puşufor the head, içlik, shirt, delme (vest) cepken (libade), bel kuşağı, gayret kuşağı, Tosya kuşağı, içdonu, zıvga, shalvar are worn for the body. Socks with motifs, çizme and shoes are used fort he feet. We witnes that Çorum traditional clothes rapidly become extinction. Traditional clothes are used mainly for the elderly living in villages and rural areas.


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