Edward Bond'un the Pope's Wedding Oyununda Yaşlı Adam ve Çocuk İmgesi

The Image of Child and Old Man in Edward Bond's the Pope's Wedding

Edward Bond is one of the well-known contemporary British dramatists who is concerned with the socio-economic and political issues of violence inherent in human beings. Bond believes that violence in man is not innate, but irrational society leads him to violence. In view of this he deals with cultural, political and socio-economic aspects of violence on the behaviour of an old man and a child living within the same society. While handling violence in The Pope's Wedding, Bond presents the characters in their relations to social environment and tries to present how these innocent characters are being destroyed and templed by innate evils to commit crime against bumanity.


BOND, Edward. "An Interview with William Gaskill", Gambit 5, no:17, ss. 38-41.

BOND, Edward. "Drama and Dialectics of Violence", an interview in Theatre Quarterly, 2-5 (January-March), 1972, ss. 4-14.

BOND, Edward. The Pope's Wedding, Methuen and Co. Ltd. London, 1969.

COULT, Tony. The Plays of Edward Bond, Methuen, London, 1977.

DUNCAN, Joseph E. "The Child and The Old Man in the Plays of Edward Bond", Modem Drama, 19. No:l: 1-10,1976, ss. 1-10.

KÖPPEN, Ulrich. "Interview with Bond on Modern and Postmodern Theatres", New Theatre Quarterly, Vol XIII, No: 5, May, 1997,ss. 99-106.

London Observer, "Production Without Decor", 16 December 1962.

London Times, "Plays sans Decor but not Theme", 10 December 1962.

TAYLOR, John Russell. The Angry Theatre, Hill and Wang, New York, 1969.

TRUSSLER, Simon. Edward Bond, Longman for British Council, Harlow, 1976.

WARDLE, Irwing, "A Discussion with Edward Bond", Gambit, Vol.5, No.17, 1970, ss.5-38.