Comparison of a more Effective and a Typical Teachers’ Lesson Plan Detail in the Psychological Engagement of Students

Comparison of a more Effective and a Typical Teachers’ Lesson Plan Detail in the Psychological Engagement of Students

The reasons for teacher success variability are not well understood. Onepossible reason for teacher variance might be their lesson planning. A case studymethodology was utilized. The study asked if teacher engaged reader(comprehension) lesson plan explicitness was related to differences in studentoutcomes by comparing teachers. The data was part of a larger study. One of thefactors that differentiated the above-average gain teacher from the typical teacherwas the extent to which the teacher planned to address all three of the engagedreader processes. The above-average gain teacher wrote more detailed plans andplanned on teaching the engaged reader processes in a way that better aligned withthe guidance provided by the intervention.


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