إضاءات بالغية على ضمير المخاطب والتفاته بين المفرد والجمع في سورة الفاتحة

هذا البحث يلقي الضوء على أهم سورة في القرآن الكريم

Illuminations on the conscience of the addressee and attention between the singular and the combination in Surat Al-Fatihah

This research sheds light on the most important sura in the Holy Quran، Al-Fatihah، which was chosen by God to open his holy book. The research presents some of its virtus، also it calls for the believer to think about and understand the instructions and the signals it pointed to. The researcher focused on some of benefits and maxims that can be learned from the turn of the conscience of one to the group in Al-Fatiha Surah: “Thee do we worship، And Thine aid we seek * Show us the straightway”. The emphasis on the importance of the group and the unity of the class and the meeting of the word in Islam as a collective approach required for the nation، as well as the education of the believer on self-denial and his dedication to the renunciation of selfishness and independence to care for Muslims and their needs، and other governance and benefits.


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