Hadith and islamic law: The role of preunderstandings in hadith interpretation

Hadis Metinlerinin Anlaşılmasında “Ön-anlama”nın Etkisi

Hadis ve islam hukuku : hadis metinlerinin anlaşılmasında “ön-anlama”nın etkisi

In this study we are planning to discuss the importance of the preunderstandings on the interpretation process of hadith narrations in Islamic Law. By this perpective firstly, importance of interpretation in law will be discussed and through the notion of `pre-understanding`, the problem of understanding and interpretation in Islamic Law will be focused. Secondly, text-based pre-understanding problem will be argued. Under this title, Hadith narrations will be approached in terms of their styles and the affects of these narration styles on the judgement process will be evaluated. Then, thirdly, pre-understandings of the reader will be taken into consideration and their affects on the judgement process will be assessed. Finally, essay will be concluded by an evaluation on the problem of interpretation and over-interpretation of the text -specifically hadith text- in Islamic Law.


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