Arabic poetry’s metamorphosis and the appearance of new type of poetry

Arabic poetry’s metamorphosis and the appearance of new type of poetry

Arabic poetry has passed different periods of ups and downs dur- ing its history of development and prevalence among Arabs. And in this course, whether based on structure or content, it has experienced many changes and vicissitudes. These vicissitudes began with the ini- tial efforts and attempts during Arabic literature history to infringe the traditional framework of Arabic poetry which were based on rhythm and rhyme, and as a result it led to metamorphosis in Arabic poetry and its transformation into current content and structure. This vicissi- tude ,which was first in the realm of content and with the initial efforts of people like Bashar ebne Bord, Moslem ebne Valid, Abutamam, and Abunovas was in modern figures like dreadful, fivesome, consorted, and quatrain, finally in the last century reached its zenith of growth by permeating structure or form and made a new perspective in the histo- ry this poetry; a change in which a new type of poetry( shir-i naw) was born, and modernist poets like Khalil Matran, Mikhaeil Naeime, Nazok Almaleik, Jebran Khalil Jebran,Ali Ahmab Bakasir, Badr Shaker Alsiab, Abdul Vahab Albayati began testing their poetic talent and manifesting their art in this new arena of poetry. Hence, the pre- sent article will try to clarify the trend of this change from its begin- ning up to now, the manner of metamorphosis in Arabic poetry, and the growth of new Arabic poetry.
