Mekânsal Anlamda Lojistik Merkez Kavramı ve Hadımköy Lojistik Merkezi

Lojistik merkezler her türlü ulaştırma moduna etkin bağlantıları olan, taşıma modları arasında hızlı, güvenli, düşük maliyetli ve çevreci aktarma alanlarına sahip bölgelerdir. Bu tez çalışmasında İstanbul ili Hadımköy ilçesinde yer alan lojistik firmaların; yer seçimini etkileyen kriterleri mevcut lokasyondaki problemleri, lojistik hizmet alırken karşılaştıkları problemleri, konum, nitelik ve ilişkileri tartışılmaktadır. Bu süreçte dikkate alınan kriterler; ulaşım ağı ve erişilebilirlik, mekânsal bilgiler, teknoloji ve bilgi seviyesi, pazar kümelenmeleridir. Yöntem uygulamasında saha araştırması ve anket çalışması yapılmıştır. Çalışmanın sonunda, belirlenen kriterler çevçevesinde İstanbul-Hadımköy Lojistik Merkezi ele alınıp değerlendirilmiştir.
Anahtar Kelimeler:

Lojistik Merkez, Hadımköy

The Concept Of Logistics Center And Hadımköy Logistics Center

 Nowadays the importance of logistics activities are increasing due to the escalation in commercial and competitive ambient which also leads to a major expansion in the logistics as a gradually advancing industry both in Turkey and in the World. One of the notions that utilizes the logistics industry is “The Logistics Center/Village” Concept. Logistics Centers/Villages, allows enterprises to have a consistent predominancy among their contenders in the market.  Considering these advances it is crucial to conduct Logistics Centers/Villages that aims constituting freight centers at certain locations to offer the best services for logistics activities to increase transportation quality, efficiency and to decrease the traffic congestion caused by city logistics.  Logistics centers are the fastest, safest, low-cost and environmentally friendly transfer areas between transport modes with active connections to all modes of transport. In this thesis, the logistics companies in Hadımköy district of İstanbul; The criteria affecting the location selection are the problems in the current location, the problems they encounter while receiving logistics services, their position, quality and relationships. Criteria taken into consideration in this process; transport network and accessibility, spatial information, technology and knowledge level, market clusters. A field study and a survey were conducted in the method application. At the end of the study, İstanbul-Hadımköy Logistics Center was evaluated and evaluated within the defined criteria.


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