Developing Lup Instrument Test to Measure Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) Bloomian for Senior High School Students

The study aims to developing lup instrument test for measurng higher order thinking skills of students in physics learning. The 4D stage of the model consists of define, planning, design, and disseminate stages. The assessment instrument was developed based on HOTS indicators include the ability to analyze (C4), evaluate (C5), and creat (C6). The test form is a reasoning multiple choice. Subject of this research were all student of XI MIA 1 and XI MIA2 on 2nd semester at SMA Negeri 1 Depok in academic year of 2017/2018. Result of this research are: 1) the higher order thinking skills test instrument proved valid and worthy of use in the learning process. Based on expert validation, the test is valid with Aiken V index value of 0.89, the average value and standard deviation of INFIT MNSQ is 1.01 ± 0.09, and has a good degree of difficulty with a range of difficulty levels between - 1.29 to 1.35. The higher order thinking skills test can also be used to measure students higher order thinking skills in physics learning with very low to excellent categories.


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