The Effect Of Discovery Learning – Based Teaching Material By Utilizing Traditional Game On Mathematic Abilities Of The 2nd Graders Of Elementary School

The objective of research was to find out the effect of discovery learning-based mathematic teaching learning by utilizing traditional games on utilizing traditional game on multiplying and dividing abilities of the 2nd graders of SD Negeri Badran and SD Negeri (Public Elementary School No.02 of Kerten). This study was an experimental quantitative research. The subject of research was the 2nd graders of Public Elementary Schools in Surakarta in the school year of 2017/2018. The result of the limited try out of instructional materials gets the average of 79,51%. The result of the instructional materials wide material’ test has the average of 82,94% . The result of research showed tstatstic of 2.490 >2 t table = 1,997 for experiment group at significance level of 0.5%, so that there is a significant improvement. Thus, discovery learning based-mathematic teaching material utilizing traditional games can improve the students’ multiplying and dividing abilities significantly


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