ÖZBir iletişim aracı olarak bütün dillerde konuşanın muhatabına istek ve meramınıdoğru bir şekilde ulaştırabilmek için farklı ifade üslupları ve yöntemlerikullandığı bilinmektedir. Dinî birer metin olan hadislerde de Arap dilininin hususiyetve anlatım tarzlarından biri olan hasr uslûbunun kullanıldığı müşahedeedilmektedir. Bir söz ve metinden doğru anlama ulaşmak ve çıkarımlarda bulunmakiçin ilgili dilin uslûp ve yöntemlerini bilmek ve göz önünde bulundurmakelzemdir. Bu çalışma, hadis şârihi Bedruddîn el-Aynî’nin Umdetu’l-kârî adlışerhi özelinde hadisleri anlamadaki rolü bakımından, hadislerde hasr olgusu veuslûbunun nasıl yer aldığı ve hadise ne tür manalar kazandırdığını incelemektedir.Anahtar Kelimeler: Hadis, dil, anlam, hasr, belâgat.ABSTRACTAccording to Bedruddîn el-‘Aynî, Using of Restriction Style in Hadithsand its Effect on Meaning (Specific to ‘Umdetu’l-Kârî)In all languages, it is known that different expression styles and methods areused by people as a connection tool for expressing one’s request and purpose toanswerer. It is seen that restriction style which is one of the characteristic andexpression styles of Arabic language, used in the hadiths which are religious texts.It is necessary to know and to consider related language’s styles and methodsfor getting out and making an inference from a statement or a text. This studyresearches how restriction concept is in the hadiths and what kind meanings thatgive in terms of role of understanding hadiths, specific to commentator Bedruddînel-Aynî’s production which its name is Umdetu’l-kârî.Keywords: Hadith, language, meaning, restriction, oratory
Anahtar Kelimeler:

Hadis, dil, anlam, hasr, belâgat

/ According to Bedruddîn el-‘Aynî, Using of Restriction Style in Hadiths and its Effect on Meaning (Specific to ‘Umdetu’l-Kârî)

According to Bedruddîn el-‘Aynî, Using of Restriction Style in Hadiths and its Effect on Meaning (Specific to ‘Umdetu’l-Kârî)In all languages, it is known that different expression styles and methods are used by people as a connection tool for expressing one’s request and purpose to answerer. It is seen that restriction style which is one of the characteristic and expression styles of Arabic language, used in the hadiths which are religious texts. It is necessary to know and to consider related language’s styles and methods for getting out and making an inference from a statement or a text. This study researches how restriction concept is in the hadiths and what kind meanings that give in terms of role of understanding hadiths, specific to commentator Bedruddîn el-Aynî’s production which its name is Umdetu’l-kârî


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