ÖZBu çalışma, Ahmed b. Hanbel’in fakihliği ile ilgili tartışmaların sosyo-politikarka planını ortaya koymayı amaçlamaktadır. Ahmed b. Hanbel, herkes tarafındanbir muhaddis olarak kabul edilmekle beraber, onun fakihliği tartışmakonusu olmuştur. Esasında Ahmed b. Hanbel, fakih olmak gibi bir iddiaya sahipolmamış, fıkıh ile ilgili herhangi bir eser telif etmemiş ve yaşadığı dönemde deböyle bir tartışma gündeme gelmemiştir. Mihne sürecinin Ehl-i Hadis’in zaferiylesonuçlanması, hadis ile fıkhın eşitlenmesine ve Ahmed b. Hanbel’in de fakiholarak şöhret kazanmasına neden olmuştur. Bu durum, Ahmed b. Hanbel’in vefatındanbirkaç asır sonra bile onun fakih olup olmadığı ile ilgili tartışmalarıngündeme gelmesine yol açmıştır. Ahmed b. Hanbel’den sonra oluşumu tamamlananHanbeli mezhebinin mensupları, Ahmed b. Hanbel’in fakihliğini ortayakoymaya çalışmış ve bunu kabul etmeyenleri de baskı altına almışlardır.Çalışmamızda öncelikle sözü edilen tartışmaların tarihi arka planı tesbit edilecek,ardından Ahmed b Hanbel’i fakihler arasında saymayan kimselerden sözedilecektir. Daha sonra Ahmed b.Hanbel’in fakih olarak kabul edilmeme sebeplerive fakihliğini ispatlama çabaları üzerinde durulacaktır.Anahtar Kelimeler: Ahmed b. Hanbel, Mihne, Fakih, Muhaddis.ABSTRACTThe Arguments Related with Ahmad. b. Hanbal’s Jurist PersonalityThis study aims to determine socio-political background of argumentsregarding Ahmad b. Hanbal’s jurist personality. Ahmad b. Hanbal is accepteda muhaddith by every scholar; however, his jurist personality became a matterof debate. Fundamentally, Ahmad b. Hanbal did not have any claim as being afaqîh, accommodate any publication related with Fiqh, and such a debate did not become a current issue in the period which he lived. Ending of the Mihna processwith victory of Ahl al-Hadith caused that hadith get up with fiqh, and Ahmadb. Hanbal gained a reputation as a faqîh. This situation conduced the debateswhich is related whether he is a faqîh or not to acquire currency even after a fewcenturies since passing of Ahmad b. Hanbal. After Ahmad b. Hanbal, members ofHanbalism which is fully formed made effort to present his jurist personality andthey tried to suppress people who did not accept this argument.In our research, the debates of historical background will be determined, afterit will be presented some people who do not accept Ahmad b. Hanbal as a faqîh.Afterwards, it will be emphasized on the reasons related with Ahmad b. Hanbal isconsidered as a faqîh and the efforts related with proving his jurist personality.Keywords: Ahmad b. Hanbal, Mihna, Faqîh, Muhaddith.
The Arguments Related with Ahmad. b. Hanbal’s Jurist Personality
The Arguments Related with Ahmad. b. Hanbal’s Jurist PersonalityThis study aims to determine socio-political background of arguments regarding Ahmad b. Hanbal’s jurist personality. Ahmad b. Hanbal is accepted a muhaddith by every scholar; however, his jurist personality became a matter of debate. Fundamentally, Ahmad b. Hanbal did not have any claim as being a faqîh, accommodate any publication related with Fiqh, and such a debate did not become a current issue in the period which he lived. Ending of the Mihna process with victory of Ahl al-Hadith caused that hadith get up with fiqh, and Ahmad b. Hanbal gained a reputation as a faqîh. This situation conduced the debates which is related whether he is a faqîh or not to acquire currency even after a few centuries since passing of Ahmad b. Hanbal. After Ahmad b. Hanbal, members of Hanbalism which is fully formed made effort to present his jurist personality and they tried to suppress people who did not accept this argument.In our research, the debates of historical background will be determined, after it will be presented some people who do not accept Ahmad b. Hanbal as a faqîh. Afterwards, it will be emphasized on the reasons related with Ahmad b. Hanbal is considered as a faqîh and the efforts related with proving his jurist personality
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