Pastörize sütlerde $B_2$ vitamninin tahrip olması üzerine ışık kaynağı,ışık şiddeti ve muhafaza süresinin etkisi

Bu çalışmada, pastörize sütun muhafazası sırasında farklı ışık kaynağı ve ışık şiddetinin B2 vitamininin tahrip olması üzerine etkisi araştırılmıştır. Bu amaçla çiğ inek sütü 72°C'de 15 saniye pastörize edilmiş ve 500 ml'lik steril saydam cam kavanozlara doldurulmuştur. Pastörize süt kavanozlarının her birisi 1100, 2400, 5800 lux şiddetlerindeki floresan ve normal ışık kaynakları ile ışıklandırılan, bölümlere ayrılmış iki ayrı buzdolabına yerleştirilmiştir. Her iki buzdolabında iç ortam sıcaklığı 4±1$circ$C'de tutulmuştur. Kontrol grubu olarak incelenen pastörize süt örnekleri, aynı sıcaklık derecesinde karanlık şartlarda muhafaza edilmiştir. Deneme süt örneklerinin B2 vitamini miktarı muhafazanın 0., 6., 12., 24., 48., 72., 96., 120. saatlerinde analiz edilmiştir. Araştırma, Tam Şansa Bağlı Bloklar Deneme Desenine göre düzenlenmiş ve altı tekerrürlü olarak yürütülmüştür. Pastörize süt örneklerinin B2 vitamini miktarı üzerine ışık kaynağı, ışık şiddeti, ışık kaynağı x ışık şiddeti, muhafaza süresi ile muhafaza süresi x ışık şiddeti interaksiyonlarının etkileri önemli (P

The effect of various light source illumination intensity and storage period on the $B_2$ vitamin losses in pasteurised milk

In this study, to determine the effects of various light source, illumination intensity in destruction of B2 vitamin during the storage of pasteurised milk was studied. For this purpose, raw cow milk was pasteurised at 720C for 15 seconds and then 500 ml milk was filled into pre sterilised glass jars. The pasteurised milk was placed in two different refrigerators (4±1$circ$C), which included different illumination systems, fluorescent and normal light source, in the intensities of 1100, 2400, 5800 lux. As a control group, pasteurised milk sample was stored at the same temperature and dark conditions. The amonut of B2 vitamin of the milk samples were determined at the 0, 6,12, 24,48, 72,96,120lt1 hours of storage period. The experiment was planned as completely randomized factorial experimental design and conducted with six replications. The effect of light source, illumination intensity, light source x illumination intensity interaction, storage period and storage period x illumination intensity interaction on the amount of B2 vitamin of the experimental milk samples were statistically significant (P< 0.01). B2 vitamin content of the milk samples stored at dark conditions was higher than those of the samples stored under the fluorescent and normal lights. Additionally, the amount of B2 vitamin of the milk samples stored under the fluorescent lights was less than that of those stored in normal lights. As illumination intensity increased, the losses of B2 vitamin increased, and when the storage time extended, the amount of B2 vitamin generally decreased. In conclusion, it could be suggested that to minimize the vitamin B2 losses in pasteurised milk, lightproof packaging materials just after production should be used, if it is to be marketed in glass bottles, pasteurised milk should be stored in the conditions of no more than 1100 lux illumination intensity. Also, normal light conditions should be preferred instead of the fluorescent light.


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