Dış kulak yolunda adenoid kistik karsinoma

Amaç: Nadir görülen, dış kulak yolunun adenoid kistik karsinoma olgusu sunuldu. Olgu sunumu: 45 yaşında erkek hasta, dış kulak yolunda büyüme gösteren, ağrılı kitle şikayeti ile hastanemize başvurdu. Manyetik resonans görüntüleme dış kulak yolunda hipointens, heterojen kontrast tutan kitleye biyopsi ile adenoid kistik karsinoma tanısı verildi. Olguya cerrahiyi takiben radyoterapi uygulandı. 22 ay sonra yineleme veya diğer organlara metastaz izlenmedi. Sonuç: Bu olgu literatür bilgileri gözden geçirilerek, klinik bulguları, radyolojisi ve histopatolojisi ile birlikte sunuldu.

Adenoid cystic carcinoma of the external ear

Objective: We reported a rare case of adenoid cystic carcinoma of the external auditory canal. Case report: The patient, a 45 year-old man, was referred to hospital with painfull, growing mass in his external ear canal. Magnetic resonans images showed the tumor as a hypointense mass in the external auditory canal, although there was marked heterogenous contrast enhancement. A biopsy specimen was interpreted as an adenoid cystic carcinoma. He was treated surgically and received post-operative radiotherapy. After 22 month, there were no recurrence or metastasis to other organs. Conclusion: Clinical findings, radiology and histopathology of this lesion as reported in the literature was reviewed.


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