Aracı kurumların iç kontrol sistemi ve ilgili düzenlemenin değerlendirilmesi

Bilgi ve iletişim teknolojilerindeki gelişmeler, küreselleşme ve karmaşık işlemlerin sayısını artması jinansal kınıduşlarda önemli değişikliklere yol açmış, bu durum yönetimlerin işlemleri sürekli gözetlemesi ve kontroller uygulamasını gerektirmiştir. Bu gereklilik jinans kuruluşlarının etkin bir iç kontrol sistemi kurmalarına yol açmıştır. Sermaye piyasasının sağlıklı işlemesi için oldukça önemli bir role sahip olan aracı kurumlar da bu kuruluşların arasında yer almaktadırlar. Sermaye piyasası mevzuatında başta "Aracı Kurumlarda Uygulanacak İç Denetim Sistemine ilişkin Esaslar Hakkında Tebliğ" olmak üzere aracı kurumların iç kontrol sistemi ile ilgili birçok düzenleme bulunmaktadır. Bu çalışmada aracı kurumların iç kontrol sistemi ile ilgili mevcut düzenlemeler, uluslararası standartlar ve aracı kurumlara ilişkin unlanan veriler dikkate alınarak incelenmiştir. İnceleme sonucunda mevcut düzenlemelerin uluslararası standartlar He tam uyumlu olmadığı, daha en başta iç kontrol ve iç denetim tanımları ile bu uyumsuzluğun başladığı, bu durumun diğer hükümlerde de belirsizlikler yarattığı görülmüştür. Bu kapsamda başta "The Committee of Sponsoring Organizations (COSO) Raporu" olmak üzere uluslararası İç kontrol sistemi standartları ve uygulamaları dikkate alınarak aracı kurumların iç kontrol sistemi düzenlemelerinin iyileştirilmesine yönelik önerilerde bulunulmuştur.

The internal control system of brokerage houses and evaluation of related regulation

The developments in information and communication technologies, globalization and the increasing number of more complicated operations cause important changes in the financial firms, and these changes make the management to make ongoing monitoring on these operations. This obligation leads to the firms to implement an effective internal control systems, Internal control system is a process effected by all personnel, designed to provide reasonable assurance regarding the achievement of objectives in the following categories: "effectiveness and efficiency of operations", "reliability of financial reports" and "compliance with applicable laws and regulations ".The brokerage houses, which are important organizations of capital markets, must have an effective internal control system in order to provide the secure, transparent and stable functioning of the capital markets. Otherwise, the failure of these institutions not only damages themselves, but also effects whole capital markets and consequently leads to a crisis in the finacial system.The subject of this study is the analysis of the internal control system in the brokerage houses and the evaluation of current related regulation. Both implementing an effective internal control system which is compliant with international standards and realizing audits will provide the brokerage houses to have more stable and reliable structure, which has veiy important role in secure and transparent functioning of the capital market. There are various regulations prepared by Capital Markets Board of Turkey in order to implement internal control systems in these İnstitııions, but the communique on "The Principles Regarding The Internal Auditing Systems of Brokerage Houses" published in 2003 and updated in years 2007 and 200S İs the one which directly regulates these systems.The purpose of this communique is presented as regulating the fundamental principles and procedures to be adopted by brokerage houses in the establishment of their internal auditing systems which would help them monitor and control all the risks that they are exposed to. The communique defines the interna! audit system as the integrated process of both the internal control system and the inspection system and adds that the internal audit unit consists of internal control personnel and inspectors. These definitions and articles do not comply with the international internal control frameworks. This different approach could be seen in ail subsections of communique and causes uncertainties.With this work, many evaluations are presented to the different parts of communique such as audit commitee, purpose and scope, legal basis, definitions, policies and procedures, principles related to the inspection department, control environment, the independence of internal audit. In this work, the data presented by "The Association of Capital Market Intermediary Institutions of Turkey" is analysed through the stnicfrure of board members, the number of internal auditor and information systems specialists according to the independent and bank intermediary' instituions. With these analyses, it is concluded that there are important relations among the board members and general manager, the number of internal auditors is veiy low, information systems contols are rarely implemented. Moreover; no personnel works in the information systems departments at one of third of brokerage houses. This shows that the information systems audit is so costly for these institutions, instead of this maybe a risk analysis or penatration test of critical applications will be more suitable.Therefore; the definitions of "internal control" and "internal audit" affecting the whole comminuque should be reviewed again firstly. Then, the internal control system shoud perceived as a system covers all the organizaiton units and has different sub systems. Moreover, the internal audit system has to be handle in the "Monitoring", the fifth component of an effective internal control system. Finally, while updating the articles İn the communique and implementing an effective internal control system, the The Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO Report) and the Institute of Internal Auditor (IIA)'s standards should be used.


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