Dünya Ticaret Örgütü mal ticareti, hizmetler ticareti ve fikri mülkiyet hakları konusunda güvenlik istisnasına yer vermektedir. GATT’ın XXI(b)(iii) maddesinde yer alan “harp veya uluslararası ilişkilerde sair bir aciliyet zamanında” alınan önlemler, gü-venlik istisnasıyla ilgili düzenlemelerin en çok tartışılan kısmıdır. GATT’ın yürürlüğe gir-diği 1948 yılından beri üzerinde uzlaşma sağlanamayan bu düzenleme Russia - Traffic in Transit davasında belli ölçüde yorumlanmıştır. Panel, bu madde çerçevesinde alınan ön-lemlerin DTÖ’de dava konusu yapılamayacağı iddiasını reddetmiştir. Panele göre, hangi hallerin uluslararası ilişkilerde aciliyet teşkil ettiği konusunda DTÖ üyelerinin bir takdir hakkı bulunmakla birlikte bu hak iyiniyet ilkesine uygun şekilde kullanılmalıdır. Böyle bir aciliyet halinin mevcut olduğu hallerde ise esaslı güvenlik menfaatlerinin korunması amacıyla hangi önlemleri almak gerektiği konusunda üyeler tam takdir hakkına sahiptir. Bu davada verilen Panel kararının ne ölçüde yerleşik içtihada dönüşeceği güvenlikle ilgili olarak devam eden davalar karara bağlandığında belli olacaktır.


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JACKSON John H., World Trade and the Law of the GATT, the Bobs-Merill Company Inc., Indianapolis, 1969

LINDSAY Peter, “The Ambiguity of GATT Article XXI: Subtle Success or Rampant Failure?”, 52 Duke Law Journal, pp. 1277-1313 (2003)

NEUWIRTH Rostam J./SVETLICINII Alexandr, “The Economic Sanctions over the Ukraine Conflict and the WTO: ‘Catch-XXI’ and the Revival of the Debate on Se-curity Exceptions”, Journal of World Trade, 2015, Vol. 49, No. 5, pp. 891-914

PEREZ Antonio F., “WTO and U.N. Law: Institutional Comity in National Security”, 23 Yale Journal of International Law (1998), pp. 301-381

TELLİ Serap, Devletler Hukuku Açısından Uluslararası Ticaret ve Kurumsallaş-ması, Banka ve Ticaret Hukuku Araştırma Enstitüsü, Ankara, 1991

DTÖ Panel kararları, China - Measures Related to the Exportation of Various Raw Materials, WT/DS394/R, Add.1 and Corr.1 / WT/DS395/R, Add.1 and Corr.1 / WT/DS398/R, Add.1 and Corr.1, adopted 22 February 2012, as modified by Ap-pellate Body Reports WT/DS394/AB/R / WT/DS395/AB/R / WT/DS398/AB/R, DSR 2012:VII, p. 3501

DTÖ Panel kararı, Thailand - Customs and Fiscal Measures on Cigarettes from the Philippines - Second Recourse to Article 21.5 of the DSU by the Philippines, WT/DS371/RW2 and Add.1, circulated to WTO Members 12 July 2019

DTÖ Panel kararları, China - Measures Related to the Exportation of Rare Earths, Tungsten, and Molybdenum, WT/DS431/R and Add.1 / WT/DS432/R and Add.1 / WT/DS433/R and Add.1, adopted 29 August 2014, upheld by Appellate Body Reports WT/DS431/AB/R / WT/DS432/AB/R / WT/DS433/AB/R, DSR 2014:IV, p. 1127

DTÖ Panel kararı, Argentina - Measures Relating to Trade in Goods and Services, WT/DS453/R and Add.1, adopted 9 May 2016, as modified by Appellate Body Report WT/DS453/AB/R, DSR 2016:II, p. 599

DTÖ Panel kararı, Turkey - Restrictions on Imports of Textile and Clothing Products, WT/DS34/R, adopted 19 November 1999, as modified by Appellate Body Report WT/DS34/AB/R, DSR 1999:VI, p. 2363

DTÖ Panel kararı, India - Quantitative Restrictions on Imports of Agricultural, Tex-tile and Industrial Products, WT/DS90/R, adopted 22 September 1999, upheld by Appellate Body Report WT/DS90/AB/R, DSR 1999:V, p. 1799

DTÖ Panel kararı, Russia - Measures Concerning Traffic in Transit, WT/DS512/R and Add.1, adopted 26 April 2019

DTÖ Panel kararı, United States - Standards for Reformulated and Conventional Ga-soline, WT/DS2/R, adopted 20 May 1996, as modified by Appellate Body Report WT/DS2/AB/R, DSR 1996:I, p. 29

DTÖ Panel kararı, Brazil - Measures Affecting Imports of Retreaded Tyres, WT/DS332/R, adopted 17 December 2007, as modified by Appellate Body Report WT/DS332/AB/R, DSR 2007:V, p. 1649

DTÖ Panel kararları, United States - Measures Concerning the Importation, Marke-ting and Sale of Tuna and Tuna Products - Recourse to Article 21.5 of the DSU by the United States, WT/DS381/RW/USA and Add.1 / United States - Measures Concerning the Importation, Marketing and Sale of Tuna and Tuna Products - Se-cond Recourse to Article 21.5 of the DSU by Mexico, WT/DS381/RW2 and Add.1, adopted 11 January 2019, as upheld by Appellate Body Report WT/DS381/AB/RW/USA / WT/DS381/AB/RW2

Temyiz Organı kararı, China - Measures Affecting Trading Rights and Distribution Services for Certain Publications and Audiovisual Entertainment Products, WT/DS363/AB/R, adopted 19 January 2010, DSR 2010:I, p. 3

Temyiz Organı kararları, China - Measures Related to the Exportation of Various Raw Materials, WT/DS394/AB/R / WT/DS395/AB/R / WT/DS398/AB/R, adop-ted 22 February 2012, DSR 2012:VII, p. 3295

Temyiz Organı kararları, China - Measures Related to the Exportation of Rare Earths, Tungsten, and Molybdenum, WT/DS431/AB/R / WT/DS432/AB/R / WT/DS433/AB/R, adopted 29 August 2014, DSR 2014:III, p. 805

Temyiz Organı kararı, United States - Measures Affecting the Cross-Border Supply of Gambling and Betting Services, WT/DS285/AB/R, adopted 20 April 2005, DSR 2005:XII, p. 5663 (and Corr.1, DSR 2006:XII, p. 5475)

Temyiz Organı kararı, Argentina - Safeguard Measures on Imports of Footwear, WT/DS121/AB/R, adopted 12 January 2000, DSR 2000:I, p. 515

Temyiz Organı kararı, Korea - Definitive Safeguard Measure on Imports of Certain Dairy Products, WT/DS98/AB/R, adopted 12 January 2000, DSR 2000:I, p. 3

Temyiz Organı kararı, United States - Definitive Safeguard Measures on Imports of Circular Welded Carbon Quality Line Pipe from Korea, WT/DS202/AB/R, adop-ted 8 March 2002, DSR 2002:IV, p. 1403

Temyiz Organı kararı, Turkey - Restrictions on Imports of Textile and Clothing Pro-ducts, WT/DS34/AB/R, adopted 19 November 1999, DSR 1999:VI, p. 2345

Temyiz Organı kararı, European Communities - Conditions for the Granting of Tariff Preferences to Developing Countries, WT/DS246/AB/R, adopted 20 April 2004, DSR 2004:III, p. 925

Temyiz Organı kararı, United States - Standards for Reformulated and Conventional Gasoline, WT/DS2/AB/R, adopted 20 May 1996, DSR 1996:I, p. 3

Temyiz Organı kararı, Japan - Taxes on Alcoholic Beverages, WT/DS8/AB/R, WT/DS10/AB/R, WT/DS11/AB/R, adopted 1 November 1996, DSR 1996:I, p. 97

Temyiz Organı kararı, Canada - Certain Measures Affecting the Renewable Energy Generation Sector / Canada - Measures Relating to the Feed-in Tariff Program, WT/DS412/AB/R / WT/DS426/AB/R, adopted 24 May 2013, DSR 2013:I, p. 7

Temyiz Organı kararları, Brazil - Certain Measures Concerning Taxation and Char-ges, WT/DS472/AB/R and Add.1 / WT/DS497/AB/R and Add.1, adopted 11 Ja-nuary 2019

DTÖ belgesi, Doha Work Programme Ministerial Declaration, Annex C Services, WT/MIN(05)/DEC

DTÖ belgesi, Understanding on the Balance-of-Payments Provisions of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 1994

DTÖ belgesi, Information on the Utilisation of Special and Differential Treatment Provisions, Note by the Secretariat, WT/COMTD/W/77/Rev.1/Add.4

DTÖ belgesi, Draft General Council Decision, Procedures to Strengthen the Negoti-ating Function of the WTO, WT/GC/W/764

DTÖ belgesi, The Continued Relevance of Special and Differential Treatment in Fa-vour of Developing Members to Promote Development and Ensure Inclusiveness, WT/GC/W/765/Rev.1

DTÖ belgesi, United States - Cuban Liberty and Democratic Solidarity Act of 1996, Communication From Cuba, WT/L/142

DTÖ belgesi, United States - The Cuban Liberty and Democratic Solidarity Act Re-quest for Consultations by the European Communities, WT/DS38/1

DTÖ belgesi, Minutes of the Meeting, WT/DSB/M/24

DTÖ belgesi, United States - The Cuban Liberty and Democratic Solidarity Act Lap-se of Authority for Establishment of the Panel, WT/DS38/6

DTÖ belgesi, Proposal on MC10 Ministerial Declaration - Part III, WT/MIN(15)/W/14

DTÖ belgesi, Saudi Arabia - Measures Concerning the Protection of Intellectual Property Rights Request for the Establishment of a Panel By Qatar, WT/DS567/3

DTÖ belgesi, United Arab Emirates - Measures Relating to Trade in Goods and Ser-vices, and Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights Request for the Establishment of a Panel by Qatar, WT/DS526/2

DTÖ belgesi, Saudi Arabia - Measures Relating to Trade in Goods and Services, and Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights Request for Consultations by Qatar, WT/DS528/1

DTÖ belgesi, Bahrain - Measures Relating to Trade in Goods and Services, and Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights Request for Consultations by Qatar, WT/DS527/1

DTÖ belgesi, Qatar - Certain Measures Concerning Goods from the United Arab Emirates Request for the Establishment of a Panel by the United Arab Emirates, WT/DS576/2DTÖ belgesi, Russia - Measures Concerning Traffic in Transit Panel Report Action by the Dispute Settlement Body, WT/DS512/7

DTÖ belgesi, Nicaragua - Measures Affecting Imports from Honduras and Colombia Request for the Establishment of a Panel by Colombia, WT/DS188/2

DTÖ belgesi, Minutes of the Meeting, WT/DSB/M/78

DTÖ belgesi, Minutes of the Meeting, WT/DSB/M/80

DTÖ belgesi, Trade Policy Review Pakistan Minutes of Meeting Addendum, WT/TPR/M/95/Add.1

DTÖ belgesi, Brazil’s Import Licensing Requirements for Chemical Products and Goods Related to Nuclear Applications Questions from the United States to Bra-zil, G/LIC/Q/BRA/1

DTÖ belgesi, Brazil’s Import Licensing Requirements for Chemical Products and Goods Related to Nuclear Applications Replies from Brazil to Questions from the United States, G/LIC/Q/BRA/2

DTÖ belgesi, Minutes of the Meeting Held on 30 September 2004, G/LIC/M/20

DTÖ belgesi, Minutes of the Meeting Held on 26 April 2010, G/LIC/M/31

DTÖ belgesi, Import Licensing System of Brazil Replies from Brazil to Questions from the United States, G/LIC/Q/BRA/25

DTÖ belgesi, Turkey - Additional Duties on Certain Products from the United StatesRequest for the Establishment of a Panel by the United States, WT/DS561/2

GATT Panel kararı, United States - Trade Measures Affecting Nicaragua: Report by the Panel (unadopted)GATT Panel kararı, United States - Imports of Sugar from Nicaragua: Report of the Panel, L/5607

GATT belgesi, Declaration on Trade Measures Taken for Balance of Payments Pur-poses, BISD 26S/205-209GATT belgesi, Reply by the Vice Chairman of the United States Delegation, Mr. John W. Evans, to the Speech by the Head of the Czechoslovak Delegation under Item 14 on the Agenda, GATT/CP.3/38

GATT belgesi, Compte rendu de la vingt-deuxieme seance: Tenue à l’Hôtel Verdun, à Annecy la mercredi 8 juin 1949, à 15 h.15, GATT/CP.3/SR.22

GATT belgesi, Termination of obligations between the United States and Czechoslo-vakia under the Agreement: Statement by the United States, GATT/CP.6/5

GATT belgesi, Item 21 - Termination of obligations between the United States and Czechoslovakia under the Agreement: Addendum. Declaration Proposed by the Delegation of the United States, GATT/CP.6/5/Add.2

GATT belgesi, Summary Record of the Sixteenth Meeting: Held at the Palais des Nations, Geneva on Saturday, 8 November 1952 at 2:30 p.m, SR.7/16

GATT belgesi, United States Import Restrictions on Agricultural Products: Report by the Working Party on Agricultural Waivers, L/918

GATT belgesi, Nineteenth Session - Index to summary records, SR.19/12

GATT belgesi, Report of Working Group 4 on Non-Tariff Barriers: Examination of Items in Part 4 of the Illustrative List (Specific Limitations on Trade), COM.IND/W/49

GATT belgesi, Import restrictions: Addendum. Industrial Products, L/3377/Add.2

GATT belgesi, Past GATT Activities Relating to Quantitative Restrictions and Other Non-Tariff Measures: Background Note by the Secretariat, NTM/W/2

GATT belgesi, Import Restrictions: Note by the Director-General, L/3377

GATT belgesi, Notes on Individual Import Restrictions, COM.IND/W/28/Add.1

GATT belgesi, Trade Policy Review Mechanism. Austria.: Report by the Secretariat, C/RM/S/19A

GATT belgesi, Suède - Restrictions à l’Importation de Certaines Chaussures, L/4250

GATT belgesi, Sweden - Import Restrictions on Certain Footwear: Addendum, L/4250/Add.1

GATT belgesi, Trade Restrictions Affecting Argentina Applied for Non-Economic Reason, L/5317

GATT belgesi, Minutes of Meeting: Held in the Centre William Rappard on 7 May 1982, C/M/157

GATT belgesi, Ministerial Declaration: Adopted on 29 November 1982, L/5424

GATT belgesi, Decision Concerning Article XXI of the General Agreement: Decision of 30 November 1982, L/5426

GATT belgesi, Minutes of Meeting: Held in the Centre William Rappard on 12 July 1983, C/M/170

GATT belgesi, Minutes of Meeting Held in the Centre William Rappard on 13 March 1984, C/M/176

GATT belgesi, Minutes of Meeting Held in the Centre William Rappard on 15-16 May 1984, C/M/178

GATT belgesi, Inventory of Non-Tariff Measures (Industrial Products): Addendum, NTM/INV/I-V/Add.10

GATT belgesi, (Industrial Products) Addendum, NTM/INV/I-V/Add.12

GATT belgesi, Minutes of Meeting Held in the Centre William Rappard on 29 May 1985, C/M/188

GATT belgesi, Minutes of Meeting Held in the Centre William Rappard on 10 Octo-ber 1985, C/M/192

GATT belgesi, Minutes of Meeting Held in the Centre William Rappard on 5-6 No-vember 1986, C/M/204

GATT belgesi, Minutes of Meeting Held in the Centre William Rappard on 3 April 1990, C/M/240

GATT belgesi, Trade Measures Taken by the European Community Against the So-cialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia: Communication from the European Com-munities, L/6948

GATT belgesi, Trade Measures against Yugoslavia for Non-Economic Reasons: Communication from Yugoslavia, L/6945

GATT belgesi, EEC - Trade Measures Taken for Non-Economic Reasons: Request for Consultations under Article XXIII:1 by Yugoslavia, DS27/1

GATT belgesi, EEC - Trade Measures Taken for Non-Economic Reasons: Recourse to Article XXIII:2 by Yugoslavia, DS27/2

GATT belgesi, Minutes of Meeting Held in the Centre William Rappard on 18 March 1992, C/M/255

GATT belgesi, Statement by the Delegation of Cuba, Spec(90)4

GATT belgesi, First Examination of Part 4 of the İnvetory of Non-Tariff Barriers: Part 4 - Specific Limitations on Imports and Exports Supplemental and Replace-ment Cards, COM.IND/W/12

GATT belgesi, United States - Measures Affecting Cuban Sugar Exports: Communi-cation from Cuba, L/5980

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