Ara?tyrmada, Türkiye'de müzik ö?retmeni yeti?tiren kurumlarda verilen bireysel çalgy flüt e?itiminde kar?yla?ylan teknik problemler incelenmi?tir. Ara?tyrmanyn evrenini, Türkiye'deki üniversitelerin e?itim fakültelerine ba?ly güzel sanatlar e?itimi bölümleri müzik e?itimi ana bilim dallary olu?turmakla birlikte, örneklemi Selçuk Üniversitesi, Gazi Üniversitesi, Pamukkale Üniversitesi, Gaziosmanpa?a Üniversitesi, Balykesir Üniversitesi, Ondokuzmayys Üniversitesi, Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi, Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi, Uluda? Üniversitesi e?itim fakülteleri, güzel sanatlar e?itimi bölümü müzik e?itimi ana bilim dallarynda bireysel çalgy flüt e?itimi alan 120 ö?renci olu?turmaktadyr. Bu ara?tyrma kapsamynda, örneklemi olu?turan ö?rencilerin flüt e?itiminde kar?yla?tyklary teknik problemler betimsel yöntem kullanylarak tespit edilmeye çaly?ylmy? veriler frekans, yüzde, standart sapma, aritmetik ortalama ve anova kullanylarak tablola?tyrylmy?tyr. Ara?tyrma sonucunda, müzik ö?retmeni yeti?tiren kurumlarda verilen bireysel çalgy flüt dersinde sykça kar?yla?ylan teknik problemler ve bu problemlere yönelik önerileri içeren veriler incelenmi?, flüt ö?rencilerinin e?itim aldyklary süreç belirlenen hedef ve davrany?lara göre yorumlanarak kar?yla?tyrma yapylmy?tyr. Elde edilen bulgular yorumlanarak flüt ö?rencilerinin artikülasyon, parmak dil koordinasyonu, nüanslar ve nefes yerlerini kullanmalarynda orta seviyede problem ya?adyklary saptanmy?tyr. Teknik egzersizlere yeterince önem verilmeden eser çalmaya ba?lanmasy ve birden fazla ö?retmenle çaly?ma yapylmasynyn teknik bakymdan problemlere yol açty?yny dü?ündükleri, en syk kar?yla?tyklary teknik problemin nefes ve diyafram kullanymy oldu?u saptanmy? ve sonuçlara dayaly olarak öneriler sunulmu?tur. Anahtar Kelimeler: Müzik ,E?itim, Teknik,Çalgy E?itimi, Flüt E?itimi

The Research of the Technical Troblems Encountered in Flute Education at the Departments of Music Education in Turkey

In the research the technical problems encountered in the individual instrument (flute ) training which is taught in the institutions that educates music teachers are analyzed. Faculties of Education, Departments of Education of Fine Arts, and Departments of Music Education in Turkey constitute the target population of the study. The sample of the study includes one hundered and twenty students who recieve individual instrument (flute) training at the departments of music education of Departments of Education of Fine Arts of Faculties of Education of Selcuk University, Gazi University, Pamukkale University, Gaziosmanpasa University, Balikesir University, Ondokuzmayys University, Karadeniz Technical University, Cumhuriyet University, Uludag University. The technical problems in flute training encountered by the students that form the sample are detected by the survey method and the data are tabulated using frequency, percentage, standard deviation, arithmetic mean and anova. In the conclusion of the research, the data including the technical problems often encountered in individual instrument (flute) classes at the institutions educating music teachers and the suggestions for these problems were analyzed, the process in which flute students study was interpreted in accordance with the target and behaviour, and a comparison was made. it was determined that flute students have mid-range problems in articulation, finger-tongue coordination, chords and and the use of breathing places. it was determined that they think that starting to play a musical piece and studying with more than one instructor cause technical problems and that the problems they face most frequently is the use of breathe and diaphragm. Suggestions were offered on the basis of results. Key words: Music, Education, Technique, Instrument Education, Flute Education.