Stresle başa çıkma stratejileri ölçeğinin geliştirilmesi

Stresle başa çıkma stratejileri ölçeğinin geliştirilmesi

Problem Statement: People and their environment are in a complex interaction. This interaction changes gradually according to the steady changes of people and environments. This change affects both the person’s stressful life and the ways to cope with stress, especially in adolescence, a stage with the most rapid change while growing up. One of the important factors causing stress is a person’s difficulty adapting to rapid change. When literature is considered, different scales were developed for coping with stress in adolescence. Thus, new instruments on the basis of different approaches have to be developed in guidance services. The Strategies for Coping with Stress Scales (SCSS), developed in this research, are based on the flow theory. As a result, it was discovered that presenting effective ways of helping is very important. Purpose of the Study: To develop the instrument which is based on the flow theory, to examine adolescents’ levels of coping with stress. Methods: Descriptive method was used in the study. The validity and reliability studies of SCSS were examined on 331 participants, including 172 girls and 159 boys, studying in high schools (ninth grade students) at central Ankara. The participants’ ages ranged from 14-17 (M=15.53). The data were analyzed by SPSS. The structural validity of SCSS was examined by principle-components factor analysis. The criterion-related validity of the SCSS was examined by the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI). The reliability coefficients of the SCSS were examined by the Cronbach Alpha and test-retest (rxx) techniques. Findings and Results: As a result of the data analysis, it was seen that the SCSS has three factors: Struggle (S), Personal Control (PC) and Active Contact with the Environment (ACE). The SCSS consists of 48 items. The criterion-related validity coefficients of the SCSS were r= -.16 (S); r=-.23 (PC); r=-.57 (ACE) and r=-.40 (total score). The Cronbach Alpha coefficients were α=.85 (S), α=.83 (PC), α=.81 (ACE) and α=.88 (total score). Testretest correlations (a week later) of the SCSS were r=.84 (S); r=.91 (PC); r=.84 (ACE) and r=.91 (total score). In conclusion, the results of this study provided evidence that the scores on the SCSS demonstrated evidence for reliability and validity. Conclusions and Recommendations: School counselors can determine the help needed for coping with stress for the ninth grade students with SCSS and can prepare school psychological counseling and guidance programs according to the student’s needs. Researchers can also use SCSS to verify data on similar groups for their aims.


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