The author of the book is Ahmad b. Abi Sa'id b. Ubeydillah b. Abdirrezâk al-Makkî al-Salihi al-Leknawi al-Dhai al-Emitawi al-Hindi al-Hanafi (hijri 1130). Nûru'l-envâr is counted one of most famous and most useful commentary of el-Menâr. Because Mullah Cîvenwho is explanatory of this bookfollowed an easy and short method.He brought together the the essence of original sources, by summarizing the explanations of el-Menâr. Revealed sections and topics of the book in the form of a clear thought. So this book has reached a high level among scholars of method of last century. Nûru'l-Envâr is the most important of the books that are trusted inside commentaries which made at İndia peninsula and inside religious schools. So this book is still being taught in the centers of science. Sheikh Mullah Civen reveals in this book explanation of method knowledge and its rules, presentation of controversial issues, expression of evidences, determination of the exit point of conflicts, discussions of scholars on this subject, different denominations and opinions which he seen them differently and the results of discussionsbetween Islamic law and method scholars. Sheikh Mullah Cîven based on main sources of knowledge in thethis commentary. So that the most prominent of favorite sources like Pezdevî's Usûl, İbn Melik's Şerhu'lMenâr, Mahbûbî's Tevdîhala't-Tenkîh, Serahsî's Usûl and Taftazânî's et-Telvîhala'tTavdîhgave narrations which different from each other in terms of extension or abbreviation. Mullah Cîven's commentary has positive and negative features. Namely, his scientific personality, Methodism of him, Its objective approach to topics, neutrality of him against the opposition, his style like dialogue, his remarkable layout etc. are positive features. But his mistakes about Arabic grammar and carelessness of him in references are negative features. For importan of this book we wrote this article about it. So we hope to be discoveredthe scientific direction of this book and its author's contributionsin science


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