Sufistic Expound of Karbalaî's "Bange Weys" Qasidah

Sufistic Expound of Karbalaî's "Bange Weys" Qasidah

The Yemeni zahid Uweys al-Qarani, a descendant of the tabi’in, is believed to be guided by the Prophet through dreams or other spiritual ways. On this sufistic belief, in spite of not directly related to any master or guardian, the person who connects to that master or guardian through dreams and spiritual ways is called Uweysi, and the method of connecting to sufism in this way is called Uweysism. Many wellknown sheikhs in the history of sufism are known as Uweys. One of these sheikhs, named or known by his Uweys, is Shah-i Naqshband, the founder of the Naqshbandiyya Sect. The Uweysî identity of Shah-i Naqshband, who got the name of Uweysî by following the spirituality of Khace Abdulkhaliq Ghujduwanî, has an important place in the Naqshbandiyya Sect. The Uweysî identity of Shah-i Nakshiband, who got the name of Uweysî by following the spirituality of Khace Abdulkhaliq Ghujduwanî, has an important place in the Naqshbandiyya sect. Throughout history, many sufi poets went through, mentioned Shah-i Naqshband with the title of Uweysî in his praises or qasidah and emphasizing this feature of him. One of these sufi poets is Sheikh Muhemed Karbalayî from the 19th century, one of the sufi poets of the Akhtep school, which was an important Nakshi-Khalidi school in the 19th century. Karbalayî’s eulogy of seventeen couplets, in which he voiced his qasidah-ghazal with the redif of ‘Bange Weys’; is one of the important eulogies reflecting the poet’s depth in sufism and sufi literature. In this eulogy written in Persian, the poet used Bangê Weys (the message of Weys) as a metaphor and a variable metaphor. He sometimes identified this metaphor with Bangê Weys radif, which means the message and mission of Weys, with Weysel al-Qarani in a real sense, and sometimes he worked by mentioning his attributes and characteristics together with the universal messages of Shah-i Naqshband emphasizing the absolute divine essence. The poet dealt with this metaphor, by using of methods such as metaphor, imagery or allusion, within the framework of the rich literature of sufi literature. In this study, Karbalayî’s eulogy has been annotated based on mystical methods and interpretations, together with its literary features


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