Tip II diabetiklerde serum HDL-kolesterol, LDL-kolesterol, apoprotein AI ve B düzeylerinde oluşan değişiklikler

Bu çalışmada, 40-60 yağlan arasında Tip II Diabetes Mellitus (DM) ve kontrol grubu olarak ayrılan kişilerde serum açlık kan şekeri (AKŞ), HDL-kolesterol (High-density lipoprotein cholesterol, HDL-C), LDL-kolesterol (Low-density) lipoprotein cholesterol, LDL-C), Apoprotein Al ve B konsantrasyonları belirlenmiştir. Erkeklerde diabetik grupta AKŞ, HDL-C, LDL-C, apoprotein Al ve B ortalama serum düzeyleri sırasıyla 201.1, 34.2, 142, 108.6, 115.8 mgldl, kontrol grubunda 81.7, 43.4, 139.8, 122.7,108 mgldl, kadınlarda ise diabetik grupta 177.2, 42.2, 159.8, 118.3, 123.7, kontrol grubunda 86.4, 51.5, 139.3, 132.9, 98.8 mgldl olarak saptanmıştır. Erkeklerde, diabetik ve kontrol grupları arasında LDL-C konsantrasyonlarında anlamlı fark görülemezken, HDL-C ve apoprotein Al konsantrasyonlarında. p

In this study, the serum fasting glucose, HDL-, LDL-cholestewl, apoproteins AI and B values were measured in type II diabetic and control groups between 40-60 years of age.We determined the mean concentrations of glucose, HDL-LDL-cholesterol apoproteins AI and B, 201.1, 34.2,142,108.6, 115.8 mgldl in diabetic and 81.7, 43.4, 139.8, 122.7, 108 mgldl in healthy males, 177.2, 42.2, 159.8 118.3, 123.7 mgldl in diabetic and 86.4, 51.5, 139.3, 132.9, 98.8 mgldl in healthy females respectively. It was seen to be a significant difference the levels (p<0.01) of HDL-cholesterol, apoprotein AI of diabetics and those of controls in both sexes, the levels (p<0.05) of apoprotein B of diabetic males and those of controls, the levels (p<0.01) of apoprotein B and LDL-cholesterol of diabetic females and those of controls, conversely, was seen no significant difference between the levels of LDL-cholesterol of diabetic males and those of controls. In conclusion, we determined the significant changes of the levels of glucose, HDL-, LDL-cholesterol, apoproteins AI and B of type II diabetes at different rates in both sexes. To understand whether the changes of the levels of apoprotein AI and B primary or not, further genetic studies are needed.
