Rüyâ'nın Delil Değeri ve İstihâre

Rüya insanla birlikte var olan ve ilk çağlardan itibaren insanın dikkatini çekenbir olgudur. Fakat ilk çağlardan beri hakkında çalışmalar yapılmasına rağmen rüyanın,biyolojik içeriği, işleyişi ve amaçları tam olarak anlaşılamamıştır. Hz. Peygamber(s.a.s.)’in bir hadisinden hareketle rüyalar, genel olarak, rahmânî, şeytânî ve nefsânîolmak üzere üçe ayrılabilir. Peygamberlerin gördüğü rüyalar vahiy mahiyetinde olduğuiçin delildir. Peygamberlerin dışındaki kimselerin rüyası ise, delil değildir. Çünkühükümlerin dayandığı delillerin, her türlü sübjektifl ikten uzak, objektif ve kurallı(munzabıt) olması; ilmî kriterlerle ölçülebilmesi gerekir. Dinin esası ve ahkâmla ilgiliolmayan konularda, müjdeleyici, teşvik edici rüyalardan yararlanılabilir. Huzursuzlukveren, korkunç rüyalara ise itibar edilmemelidir. İstihâre, gerekli araştırma ve istişâreyiyaptıktan sonra karar verilen meşrû ve mubah bir işin, hayırlı ise kolaylaştırıp nasipetmesi, değilse nasip etmemesi için Allâh’a dua etmektir.
Anahtar Kelimeler:

Rüya, Hulm, Vahy, Delil, İstihare

Evidence Value of Dream and “Istihare”

Dream is a phenomenon come into existence with the fi rst man and attractspeople from ancient times. Although it was the subject of researches ofearly times, the biological content, functioning and causality of dreams couldnot be completely understood. Dream is divided into three types as divine, satanicand physiological i n Islamic literature. 1. Divine dream: It is a dream thatshown by Allah to his servants. This dream is also called; a loyal dream, a gooddream, mubessirat/evangelist. 2. Satanic dream: These are complex dreamsthat result from delusions of Satan. Such dreams are also called, hulüm, edğâsüahlâm and a liar’s dream. 3. Psychological dream: These are dreamed by theinfl uence of imagination and illusion and outer effects during the sleeping and daily routines. These could be also called subconscious dreams. The prophets’dreams are evidence because they have a divine inspiration quality and also thepeople who believe in Allah must accept these dreams. The dreams of anyoneapart from the Prophets are not evidence in fiqh because the evidences whichbase on the provisions must be far from any subjectivity, they must be objectiveand regular and must be measured by scholarly principles.Hence it could not be exactly judged that according to a dream whichcannot been offered with the scholarly principles and all the time is open tothe effect of satan or physiological or psychological impact. And also it couldnot been established rules on these kinds of dreams. For the subjects which arenot related with the base of religion and provision we can benefi t from the encouragingand telling good news dreams. Distracting and scary dreams shouldnot be taken into consideration. This practice known as “İstihâre” is based on adream to be believed. However istihare is a pray to Allah for anything which islegitimate and permissible decided after the necessary research and consultation,if it is benefi cent, pray for Allah to simplify and predestine or if not, prayfor Allah to not predestine. The “İstihâre” does not mean a sign, inspiration anddream coming from Allah. Instead, it is a prayer after doing necessary researchand consultation.