Max Frisch'in "Homo Faber" Adlı Romanında Tesadüfün Rolü

Max Frisch'in "Homo Faber" Adlı Romanında Tesadüfün Rolü

The concept of coinstance played an important role in the life of Max Frisch. We obtained this information from his "dairy" and other novels. "Homo Faber" charecterises his hero in the novel. His main theme were "coincidence and faith" and by "coincidence", he means a group of phenomenon followed each other. The first part of this work is about the life of Max Frisch and his books. Following this the meaning of coincidence in Max Frisch will be examined. In addition, attitude of the hero in the novel towards "faith and crime" will also be investigated. As a result, the way of life hidden in the headline of the book is emphasized.


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