Hakikat ve mecaz bağlamında kur’an’da mesh (maymunlaşma) hadisesi

Kur’ân’ın inceliklerini araştıran ilimlerden biri olan hakikat ve mecaz ilmi, Kur’ân ilimleri arasında en fazla üzerinde tartışılan konular arasında yer alır. İslâm âlimlerinin bir kısmı Kur’ân’da mecazın olmadığını iddia ederken, çoğunluğu da mecazın varlığını kabul etmektedir. Kur’ân-ı Kerim’in tefsiri sırasında âyetlerde geçen bazı ifadelere hakikat veya mecaz anlamının verilip verilmemesi konusunda müfessirler arasında tartışmalar yaşanmaktadır. Başta Allah’ın sıfatları olmak üzere pek çok alanda bu ihtilaflara rastlamak mümkündür. Hatta bu durum bazı kıssalarda da kendini gösterir. Örneğin Allah’ın Yahudilere yönelik Cumartesi günü için koyduğu avlanma yasağına aldırış etmeyen bir topluluğun maymuna dönüştürülmesi hadisesinin anlatıldığı kıssada da yer alır. Söz konusu bu kıssada dile getirilen “aşağılık maymunlar olun” ifadesinin gerçek anlamında hem suret (görüntü) hem de karakter açısından maymuna çevrilmesi mi, yoksa bu dönüşümün yasağı çiğneyen kişilere yönelik bir aşağılama anlamı mı taşıdığı noktasında hakikat-mecaz kavramları açısından farklı yorumlar yapılmaktadır.Kur’ân’da birkaç farklı surede gündeme gelen bu hadisenin Kur’ân ilimleri arasında yer alan hakikat-mecaz ilmi açısından hangi usulde gerçekleştiği ve bunun bir çeşit reenkarnasyon olup olamayacağı konusu tartışmaya açılmaktadır. Bu kapsamda ilgili tüm âyetlerin birbiriyle olan bağlantısı, âyetlerdeki kesinlik bildiren ifadeler ve ibretlik bir vaka oluşuna yapılan vurgular birlikte düşünüldüğünde mesh hadisesinin suret ve karakter değişiminin hakikat anlamında alınması gerektiği kanaati oluşmakta ve bu olayın reenkarnasyonla bir bağının bulunmadığı değerlendirilmektedir.

The event of simianization in the context of truth and metaphor in the Qur’an

The science of truth and metaphor, which is one of the sciences that investigate the subtleties of the Qur’an, is among the most discussed topics among the sciences of the Qur'an. While some of the Islamic scholars claim that there is no metaphor in the Qur'an, most of them accept the existence of metaphors and state that the metaphors enrich the literary style of the Qur'an, being a more eloquent way of expression than the truth itself. Although it is essential to use the literal meaning in the language, sometimes the figurative meaning can be used due to falling short of words or the inability to use words effectively. For example, if a person dies after saying that "I allocate my property to my children", all of his sons and daughters are understood as the literal meaning. As an example of figurative expression, if someone says that "I ate from that tree", he means eating fruits from that tree. According to those who do not agree on the usage of metaphors, someone only uses metaphors when he could not make himself understood. So, since it is unthinkable for Allah, there cannot be any metaphor in the Qur'an. According to the scholars who accept the existence of metaphors in the Qur'an, metaphor, as used in the Qur'an is not a metaphor in this sense. While Allah never had any difficulties in using metaphors, Allah used metaphors to increase the effectiveness of the meanings contained in the divine word and to add beauty and richness to the word. Almighty Allah has set different rules for believers to obey in different periods of history. In the event that the rules covered by the prohibition were violated, Allah punished those who violated the prohibition by different methods such as burying alive, drowning, raining stones on them. One of these procedures included transformation to an ape or a pig (simianization). The Qur'an narrates that the members of a Jewish group were transformed into apes because they ignored the warnings, just like the divine punishments faced by many communities that did not obey the rules in history. The results of this incident are evaluated by interpreters and comments are made around two different views on whether the concepts in the verses should be taken as literal or figurative. The former way of interpretation focuses on the fact that the literal meaning of the verse should be preferred, taking into account the emphasis that the incident served as a lesson to the world. According to the second view adopted by a few interpreters, it is considered that the figurative meanings of these verses should be used instead of their literal meanings. Almighty Allah allocated Saturdays (Sabbath) to worship for Jews and prohibited them from working on Saturdays. However, it is narrated in the sources of interpretation that a group of them who did not obey the prohibition prepared pools on the shore and connected these pools to the sea through canals, and built barricades in these canals that prevent the return of fish, and thus, hunted the fish on Sundays. A Qur'an surah, which narrates the incident, states as follows: “You are already aware of those of you who broke the Sabbath. We said to them, “Be disgraced apes!” So, we made their fate an example to present and future generations, and a lesson to the God-fearing (al-Baqarah 2/65-66). It is a question of debate among the interpreters whether this incident refers to deformation in the bodies of those who break the prohibition or moral corruption. While the overwhelming majority of the interpreters claim that the simianization occurred physically, some interpreters claim that simianization is not a physical but a spiritual/moral transformation. 


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