İslâm’ın ilk döneminde mushaf-ı şerif’in ḥicâzî yazısı

Arap Yarımadası çevresinde bulunan Arap hattının tarihi ve gelişiminin aşamalarını şu şekilde değerlendirmek mümkündür: İlk olarak Ḥicaz'da (Mekke-i Mükerreme ve Medine-i Münevvere) Kur’ân-ı Kerim'in yazıldığı Arap hattının incelenmesi üzerinedir. Bu aşama, bizi İslam'ın erken dönemlerine Kur’ân-ı Kerim'in yazılma tarihini incelemeye götürür. Şöyle ki; Kur’ân-ı Kerim hattı iki aşamaya şahit olmuştur: Birincisi, Hz. Peygamber (s.a.v) zamanındaki yazma aşaması ve ikinci olarak da Râşid halîfeler döneminde gerçekleşen toplama ve çoğaltma sürecidir.

The higazi scripture of the holy manuscript in the early times of islam

A research on the history and development of Arabic manuscripts around the Arabian Peninsula is considered the first step towards Arabic calligraphy work used in the writing of the Mushaf Al-Sharif in the Hejaz (Makkah Al-Mukarramah and Madinah Al-Munawwarah). This leads us to study the history of the writing of the Mushaf Al-Sharif based on the first period of Islam, as the writing of the Mushaf witnessed two stages: the writing stage during the time of the Prophet (saw), and its compilation and calligraphic stage during the time of the Khulafa Ar-Rashidun (the Rightly Guided Caliphs). During the revelation stage, the Prophet (saw) chose his most proficient Companions in reading and writing as scribes of the revelation. The research question is concerned with the alphabet and the quality of the manuscripts which were written during the period of the Prophet (saw), before their compilation and calligraphic work during the time Abu Bakr As-Siddiq and Uthman ibn Affan (May Allah be pleased with them). The research also seeks to answer following questions: Was there another calligraphic style for the Mushaf Al-Sharif before the Kufic script used in the Mushaf Al-Sharif? Are the features of the manuscripts in Makka Al-Mukarramah the same as the ones of the manuscripts in Madinah Al-Munawwarah? What are the similarities and differences between the Hijazi script or Kufic script in the Mushaf Al-Sharif?


  • Referans1: البَطَلْيَوسي، أبو محمد عبد الله بن محمد بن السِّيد. الاقتضاب في شرح أدب الكتاب. تح. مصطفى السقا وحامد عبد المجيد. القاهرة: دار الكتب المصرية، 1996م.
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  • Referans4: ابن خلدون، عبد الرحمن بن محمد. ديوان المبتدأ والخبر في تاريخ العرب والبربر ومن عاصرهم من ذوي الشأن الأكبر. تح. خليل شحادة. بيروت: دار الفكر، ط2، 1988م.
  • Referans5: İbnü'n Nedîm, Ebü’l-Ferec Muḥammed b. Ebî Ya‘kūb İsḥâk b. Muḥammed b. İsḥâk. el-Fihrist, İstanbul: Süleymaniye Kütüphanesi, Fażıl Aḥmed Paşa, 1134.
  • Referans6: İbnü'n Nedîm, Ebü’l-Ferec Muḥammed b. Ebî Ya‘kūb İsḥâk b. Muḥammed b. İsḥâk. el-Fihrist, İstanbul: Süleymaniye Kütüphanesi, Fażıl Aḥmed Paşa, 1135.