Bu araştırma konusu, Türkiye'nin yukarı Fırat deltasının bir şehri olan Diyarbakır'ın  fethini ele almaktadır. Coğrafyacıların diliyle"en adil iklim"olarak nitelendirilen  bu iklim "Ma Beyne’n-Nahrayn"  (Dicle ile Fırat)'ın kuzey bölgesidir. Bu çalışma, tarihi süreç içerisinde sürekli değişim ve dönüşüme uğramış olan bu bölgenin önemli bir tarihi dönemini ele almaktadır ki bu devir de İslami fetih dönemidir.İslam'dan önce bu bölge Bizans ile Pers devletlerinin hakimiyeti altında yaşamıştır. Bu iki devlet arasındaki karmaşadan dolayı söz konusu bölge İslam'dan önce uzun bir süre boyunca istikrarsızlık ve karmaşaya maruz kalmıştır. Anahtar Kelimeler: İslami Fethi/Diyarbakır/Yukarı Fırat Deltası/ Halit Bin Velit


This research deals with the history of the Islamic conquest of the city of  Diyarbakır  from the island of Upper Euphrates in Turkey, which geographers described as the fairest of the regions. It is the northern part of Mesopotamia, the Tigris and the Euphrates. This study is an attempt to explore an important historical period in the history of this region, which is full of events and changes. The period of Islamic conquest.The city was subjugated before Islam to the authority of Persia and Byzantium, and the area controlled by each was commensurate with its strength, and with the internal conditions under it. Therefore, this region was not stable in the pre-Islamic period because of the long conflicts between Byzantium and Persia in order to compete for control. Residents of the region have paid the price of instability due to the political turmoil and religious conflicts that prevailed in the region due to the multiplicity of religions and different doctrines. The Muslims came to open the city at a time when the population was suffering from the psychological pressure, and social unrest caused by these political and religious conflicts. The victorious Muslims were the savior of the population of all ethnic and religious groups from the injustice and tyranny of the Byzantines and Persians against their inhabitants.


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