XVI. Yüzyıl Şairlerinden Hakkânî’nin Cevâhir Adlı Mesnevisi

Kanunî Sultan Süleyman devri şairlerinden Hakkânî’nin Cevâhir adlı mesnevisinin ortaya çıkarılması ve ilim âlemine tanıtılması çalışmamızın esas konusunu teşkil etmektedir.

Cevahir Mesnevi Of Haqqani, One Of The XVI. Century Poets

The discovery of Haqqani's masnawi named Cevahir, one of the poets of the reign of Suleiman the magnificent, and its introduction to the world of science constitute the main subject of our study.As a result of our research, XVI. we could not coincide with a poet or poets with Haqqani mahlasin collection of biographies and the works literary history that provide information about the century.For this reason, we have not been able to get much information about Haqqani's life until now.However, with his work Manzume-i Nasayih Ala Meşrebi’t-Tasavvuf, which has been identified before, we we have recently been able to reach some information about him, albeit limited, from the masnawi named Cevahir.The only known copy of Haqqaniʾs Cevahir, which is the subject of our article, is registered at the Istanbul National Library, Ali Emiri collection 34 Ae verse 908/1.The text, which is written with the motif naskh script, is located in the first part of a periodical that is not partial from the beginning or the end.The second part of the periodical contains the hymn text of Kitab-ı Monla İlahî. Haqqani wrote his work to be presented to Suleiman The Magnificent. Because in the work, there are sections of praise for Kanuni, prayer and advice for him.This masnawi, which has the characteristic of a religious-Sufi advice, consists of five hundred and forty couplets.Haqqani divided the introduction of the Cevahirʾ into couplets on tawhit, munacat and naat. Haqqani divided the introduction of the Cevahirʾ into couplets on tawhit, invocation and praising the Prophet Muhammad.He then mentions issues of religion and Sufism. Following this, comes the sections of praise and admonition to Suleiman The Magnificent.Rich in Turkish language and literature, this work is important for giving clues about the literary life of the period. After review Cevahir translation text has been published in this article.


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