Prosopography of the lycians in the ordo senatorius

The isolation of the region of Lycia caused it to be incorporated much later into the Roman administrative system as a province in comparison to Cilicia and Asia. Therefore Lycians started to take up duties directly in the imperial administration later as well. Lycia's first senator came up in the second half of the 1st century AD. Although other Lycian senators are known from the 2nd and 3rd centuries, their number is more limited when compared with senators from other regions in Asia Minor. In addition to senators of Lycian origin, clearly identified so and whose prosopography is given in the present study, there are some other Lycians of the ordo senatorius attested in the documents due to their relationship, although their names could be determined entirely (see no. 1). In addition, some other senators are known with their full names from inscriptions in Lycia (see no. 2). But they were not included in our study because their origins could not be identified clearly.Though Lycian senators were few in number, one even attained the position of proconsul of Africa, the peak position of the ordo senatorius. Three such senators reached the position of consul suffectus. Tib. Claudius Agrippinus (P02) of Xanthos was one of the two Lycians who became a consul in the 2nd century AD. Another consul suffectus from Lycia seems to have come up around the end of the 2nd century and beginning of the 3rd century. In addition, Telemachos was not only the only Lycian to become the governor of the province of Africa, but also the only one to reach the peak of the career of Senatus. That a group of consuls arose from only one city in Africa, Cirta, in the course of the 2nd century AD reveals the limited role in the Roman administration of Lycia, whose entire attestation is only two consuls. Tib. Claudius Telemachos of Xanthos (Pll) is another consul of Lycian origin, who must have lived around the end of the 2nd century and beginning of the 3rd century.Only one senator has been identified from Lycia in the 1st century, while four or five senators with clear Lycian origins are known from the 2nd century. The highest number of senators from Lycia came up in the 3rd century. While Patara produced the highest number of senators in the 2nd century, Xanthos, from which no senators are known in the 2nd century, seems to be rivalling Patara in the 3rd century. Another Lycian city from which a senator came up was Lydai.Apart from a few individuals, there is limited knowledge about the cursus honorum of Lycian senators. It is highly likely that some of them, whose affiliation with the ordo senatorius is inferred from the relations mentioned in the inscriptions, assumed important positions of the carrier of senatus. However, the evidence available today allows us to gather information regarding the limited Lycian presence among Roman senators and their cursus honorum.

Ordo Senatoriusa Mensup lykialıların Prosopografyası

The isolation of the region of Lycia caused it to be incorporated much later into the Roman administrative system as a province in comparison to Cilicia and Asia. Therefore Lycians started to take up duties directly in the imperial administration later as well. Lycia's first senator came up in the second half of the 1st century AD. Although other Lycian senators are known from the 2nd and 3rd centuries, their number is more limited when compared with senators from other regions in Asia Minor. In addition to senators of Lycian origin, clearly identified so and whose prosopography is given in the present study, there are some other Lycians of the ordo senatorius attested in the documents due to their relationship, although their names could be determined entirely (see no. 1). In addition, some other senators are known with their full names from inscriptions in Lycia (see no. 2). But they were not included in our study because their origins could not be identified clearly.Though Lycian senators were few in number, one even attained the position of proconsul of Africa, the peak position of the ordo senatorius. Three such senators reached the position of consul suffectus. Tib. Claudius Agrippinus (P02) of Xanthos was one of the two Lycians who became a consul in the 2nd century AD. Another consul suffectus from Lycia seems to have come up around the end of the 2nd century and beginning of the 3rd century. In addition, Telemachos was not only the only Lycian to become the governor of the province of Africa, but also the only one to reach the peak of the career of Senatus. That a group of consuls arose from only one city in Africa, Cirta, in the course of the 2nd century AD reveals the limited role in the Roman administration of Lycia, whose entire attestation is only two consuls. Tib. Claudius Telemachos of Xanthos (Pll) is another consul of Lycian origin, who must have lived around the end of the 2nd century and beginning of the 3rd century.Only one senator has been identified from Lycia in the 1st century, while four or five senators with clear Lycian origins are known from the 2nd century. The highest number of senators from Lycia came up in the 3rd century. While Patara produced the highest number of senators in the 2nd century, Xanthos, from which no senators are known in the 2nd century, seems to be rivalling Patara in the 3rd century. Another Lycian city from which a senator came up was Lydai.Apart from a few individuals, there is limited knowledge about the cursus honorum of Lycian senators. It is highly likely that some of them, whose affiliation with the ordo senatorius is inferred from the relations mentioned in the inscriptions, assumed important positions of the carrier of senatus. However, the evidence available today allows us to gather information regarding the limited Lycian presence among Roman senators and their cursus honorum.


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