Ways of Forming the Control and Evaluation Competencies of a Future Teacher

The article analyzes the problem of control and evaluation competencies of a teacher. Based on the analysis of domestic and foreign literature, different views on the essence and content of the concepts of «control and evaluation competencies» were established. As the analysis has shown, the problem of objectivity of assessment is one of the key pro blems of pedagogical qualimetry. Currently, science is engaged in an intensive search for objective methods and means of control, evaluation criteria, measurement procedures, tools, etc. One of the directions of the search is related to the definition of the essence of control and evaluation competencies in the context of a competence-based approach in education. The article presents the results of the analysis of psychological, pedagogical and methodological literature devoted to the problem of the formation of control and evaluation competencies (COC), highlights its functions, clarifies the classification of relevant competencies. Based on the analysis of scientific and methodological literature, the activities of teachers of pedagogical universities and the work of school teachers, the authors developed a model for the formation of control and evaluation competencies. The structure and content of the model are disclosed: a) monitoring by students of the control and evaluation activities of university teachers and teachers, b) teaching students the theoretical foundations of control and evaluation competencies, c) development of control and evaluation competencies in pedagogical practice, d) control and self-control of the formation of control and evaluation competencies among students. The article also shows the ways and means of forming the control and evaluation competencies of future teachers, the effectiveness of the methodology of forming the control and evaluation competencies of future teachers is experimentally substantiated. This is proved by the results of the experiment.

Ways of Forming the Control and Evaluation Competencies of a Future Teacher

The article analyzes the problem of control and evaluation competencies of a teacher. Based on the analysis of domestic and foreign literature, different views on the essence and content of the concepts of «control and evaluation competencies» were established. As the analysis has shown, the problem of objectivity of assessment is one of the key pro blems of pedagogical qualimetry. Currently, science is engaged in an intensive search for objective methods and means of control, evaluation criteria, measurement procedures, tools, etc. One of the directions of the search is related to the definition of the essence of control and evaluation competencies in the context of a competence-based approach in education. The article presents the results of the analysis of psychological, pedagogical and methodological literature devoted to the problem of the formation of control and evaluation competencies (COC), highlights its functions, clarifies the classification of relevant competencies. Based on the analysis of scientific and methodological literature, the activities of teachers of pedagogical universities and the work of school teachers, the authors developed a model for the formation of control and evaluation competencies. The structure and content of the model are disclosed: a) monitoring by students of the control and evaluation activities of university teachers and teachers, b) teaching students the theoretical foundations of control and evaluation competencies, c) development of control and evaluation competencies in pedagogical practice, d) control and self-control of the formation of control and evaluation competencies among students. The article also shows the ways and means of forming the control and evaluation competencies of future teachers, the effectiveness of the methodology of forming the control and evaluation competencies of future teachers is experimentally substantiated. This is proved by the results of the experiment.


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