Methodological Features of Teaching Construction Tasks in the Course of School Geometry

Construction tasks are one of the main materials of the geometry course. Construction tasks in a geometry course are of great importance when teaching theoretical material, as they allow students to better understand the relationship between geometric shapes. The formulation of definitions, the use, if possible, of geometric constructions in proving theorems - increases the activity of the whole class and ensures the awareness and strength of the material. In the process of solving construction problems, students develop spatial representations and constructive skills, that is, the ability to perform mental and constructive operations to construct a given figure, with a detailed discussion of how to construct a geometric figure sought for certain elements. In addition, the solution of each problem, in addition to constructing geometric shapes, plays an important role in the systematization and consolidation of students' knowledge, as it consists of the stages of preliminary analysis, proof of the solution of the problem and research of the solution. However, the need to teach construction tasks when teaching geometry at school and its educational and methodological literature, didactic materials, applied information resources, etc. The presence of contradictions between insufficient support determines the relevance of the problem of teaching geometric construction tasks. This article provides scientific and methodological recommendations for solving problems, identifying problems that arise in the process of teaching construction tasks in the course of planimetry.

Methodological Features of Teaching Construction Tasks in the Course of School Geometry

Construction tasks are one of the main materials of the geometry course. Construction tasks in a geometry course are of great importance when teaching theoretical material, as they allow students to better understand the relationship between geometric shapes. The formulation of definitions, the use, if possible, of geometric constructions in proving theorems - increases the activity of the whole class and ensures the awareness and strength of the material. In the process of solving construction problems, students develop spatial representations and constructive skills, that is, the ability to perform mental and constructive operations to construct a given figure, with a detailed discussion of how to construct a geometric figure sought for certain elements. In addition, the solution of each problem, in addition to constructing geometric shapes, plays an important role in the systematization and consolidation of students' knowledge, as it consists of the stages of preliminary analysis, proof of the solution of the problem and research of the solution. However, the need to teach construction tasks when teaching geometry at school and its educational and methodological literature, didactic materials, applied information resources, etc. The presence of contradictions between insufficient support determines the relevance of the problem of teaching geometric construction tasks. This article provides scientific and methodological recommendations for solving problems, identifying problems that arise in the process of teaching construction tasks in the course of planimetry.


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