The Method of Creative Thinking and Principles of Artistic Communication in the Ornament

The product, like any kind of fine art, has more or less high views on the art of ornament, the phenomena of the very narrow artistic idea, which by its nature is adjacent to other types of aesthetic activity, have a low ideological saturation, are one of some small values, cause uneven associations, certain emotions. The article deals with the features of the artistic image in ornamental art. The research is aimed at theoretical generalization of empirical material and identification of the originality of decorative art. The features of the artistic content of the figurative image of the ornament are studied, the features of the reflection of truth in decorative art are revealed, the features of the creative method are analyzed, the basic principles of artistic generalization are revealed. One of the main problems of the researchers of the ornament is the lack of aesthetics and poetics of the ornament, which leads to a narrowing of the possibilities of analysis and interpretation of monuments. The analysis of the decorative image from the point of view of other art forms is often explained by understandable realism, which often leads to distortion and exhaustion of the understanding of the content of the ornament. Given that the ornament is a universal means of teaching art, it is important for all age groups and requires deep and careful study, given that the formation of knowledge and skills in the field of art history, didactic capabilities, the basics of composition, stylization, drawing affects the development and education of students.

The Method of Creative Thinking and Principles of Artistic Communication in the Ornament

The product, like any kind of fine art, has more or less high views on the art of ornament, the phenomena of the very narrow artistic idea, which by its nature is adjacent to other types of aesthetic activity, have a low ideological saturation, are one of some small values, cause uneven associations, certain emotions. The article deals with the features of the artistic image in ornamental art. The research is aimed at theoretical generalization of empirical material and identification of the originality of decorative art. The features of the artistic content of the figurative image of the ornament are studied, the features of the reflection of truth in decorative art are revealed, the features of the creative method are analyzed, the basic principles of artistic generalization are revealed. One of the main problems of the researchers of the ornament is the lack of aesthetics and poetics of the ornament, which leads to a narrowing of the possibilities of analysis and interpretation of monuments. The analysis of the decorative image from the point of view of other art forms is often explained by understandable realism, which often leads to distortion and exhaustion of the understanding of the content of the ornament. Given that the ornament is a universal means of teaching art, it is important for all age groups and requires deep and careful study, given that the formation of knowledge and skills in the field of art history, didactic capabilities, the basics of composition, stylization, drawing affects the development and education of students.


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