The Door of the Tomb of Khoja Akhmet Yassawi and the Lost Door Knockers

Valuable artifacts from the Amir Temur period in the mausoleum of Khoja Akhmet Yassawi are as valuable as the names of the masters who made them, the identity of the customer in the person of Amir Temr and the date of their creation. The article analyzes one of such unique works – the door of the tomb of Khoja Akhmet Yassawi and its door knockers. In addition to excerpts from the inscriptions on the doors and frames of the tomb and translations of hadith and words of wisdom, the general characteristics of the tomb door are examined. Along with articles about the lost door knockers on the cemetery doors, images of door knockers stored in the Hermitage and the inscriptions on them are analyzed. Researches of scientists on inscriptions in door knockers are compared and analyzed. The authors pay attention to the fact that the inscriptions on the door knockers and portal doors of the mausoleum are the same. Gurkhana door knockers in research are given under various names, the word door knockers are taken conditionally. B. Tuyakbayeva, M. Tuyakbaev, A. Ivanov in their scientific works use the term “Balgasha” (hammer), A. Muminov, M. Kozha write “Tokyldaksha” (knocker) in their articles, Mirzhakyp Dulatov took the word “bolat tutka” (steel handle), the authors of the book “Mausoleum of Khoja Ahmet Yassawi” used the term “Alka” (medallion). In addition to V.I. Kesaev's photograph and A. Gurzhienko's pencil drawing, which in 1959 claimed that the lost hammer was preserved, images of lost door knockers from found works, scientific reports of 1947, 1949 are also described. The article offers a number of proposals and a peculiar concept.

The Door of the Tomb of Khoja Akhmet Yassawi and the Lost Door Knockers

Valuable artifacts from the Amir Temur period in the mausoleum of Khoja Akhmet Yassawi are as valuable as the names of the masters who made them, the identity of the customer in the person of Amir Temr and the date of their creation. The article analyzes one of such unique works – the door of the tomb of Khoja Akhmet Yassawi and its door knockers. In addition to excerpts from the inscriptions on the doors and frames of the tomb and translations of hadith and words of wisdom, the general characteristics of the tomb door are examined. Along with articles about the lost door knockers on the cemetery doors, images of door knockers stored in the Hermitage and the inscriptions on them are analyzed. Researches of scientists on inscriptions in door knockers are compared and analyzed. The authors pay attention to the fact that the inscriptions on the door knockers and portal doors of the mausoleum are the same. Gurkhana door knockers in research are given under various names, the word door knockers are taken conditionally. B. Tuyakbayeva, M. Tuyakbaev, A. Ivanov in their scientific works use the term “Balgasha” (hammer), A. Muminov, M. Kozha write “Tokyldaksha” (knocker) in their articles, Mirzhakyp Dulatov took the word “bolat tutka” (steel handle), the authors of the book “Mausoleum of Khoja Ahmet Yassawi” used the term “Alka” (medallion). In addition to V.I. Kesaev's photograph and A. Gurzhienko's pencil drawing, which in 1959 claimed that the lost hammer was preserved, images of lost door knockers from found works, scientific reports of 1947, 1949 are also described. The article offers a number of proposals and a peculiar concept.


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