In this article, we will consider the introduction of students into the future profession through specialized training in secondary schools of Natural Sciences. An analysis of the concept of specialized training is carried out and a definition is given. Ways to increase interest in technical specialties in physics are analyzed. Ways to increase interest in technical specialties in physics are analyzed. In addition, a task has been defined that will increase the role and effectiveness of vocational guidance in schools. The main areas of implementation of these tasks include independent training, knowledge acquisition, education, formation of students 'maturity and development of individual abilities in accordance with their interests, increasing students' interest in activities, i.e. in the construction of machines, engineering, cosmology, aircraft design, satellite ships. The direct dependence of the future professional career of mankind on its initial course at school is discussed. Conducting classes based on the interests and aptitudes of students is organized through an elective course. In this regard, making sure that the tasks of mechanics are necessary for mastering the specialty, the student expands and deepens his knowledge of physics. With the help of professionally-oriented tasks, students are required to take a creative approach to solving them, are forced to think actively, are taught to apply physical knowledge in professional activities, use mathematical tools in solving problems, and develop skills in working with literature.


In this article, we will consider the introduction of students into the future profession through specialized training in secondary schools of Natural Sciences. An analysis of the concept of specialized training is carried out and a definition is given. Ways to increase interest in technical specialties in physics are analyzed. Ways to increase interest in technical specialties in physics are analyzed. In addition, a task has been defined that will increase the role and effectiveness of vocational guidance in schools. The main areas of implementation of these tasks include independent training, knowledge acquisition, education, formation of students 'maturity and development of individual abilities in accordance with their interests, increasing students' interest in activities, i.e. in the construction of machines, engineering, cosmology, aircraft design, satellite ships. The direct dependence of the future professional career of mankind on its initial course at school is discussed. Conducting classes based on the interests and aptitudes of students is organized through an elective course. In this regard, making sure that the tasks of mechanics are necessary for mastering the specialty, the student expands and deepens his knowledge of physics. With the help of professionally-oriented tasks, students are required to take a creative approach to solving them, are forced to think actively, are taught to apply physical knowledge in professional activities, use mathematical tools in solving problems, and develop skills in working with literature.


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