The Turkic Layer of Religious Terms in “Divan-i Hikmet” (Based on the Kokshetau Version)

In this article the author discusses the use of religious terms that play an important role in the vocabulary of a literary work of philosophical and religious content of «Divan-i Hikmet». At the beginning of the article, information is presented related to religious terms and concepts that have long been used in the Turkic languages, and which have been transformed into archaisms. Along with this, in this article are analyzed the options of different scientists related with the vocabulary and the structure of words in various versions of the work «Divan-i Hikmet». Comparing the number of Turkisms and borrowed words in the vocabulary of the work, the author provides statistical data. Depending on the semantic features of the Turkic structure of religious terms found in «Divan-i Hikmet», they were divided into such groups as words used in the meaning of “Creator”, “God”; words and concepts used in the meaning of “Prophet”, “Messenger of God”; words describing religious people; words and expressions used in the meaning of “faith in God”, “worship”, “coming to faith”; words and expressions used in the meaning of “sin”, “sinning”, “delusion”; as well as words referring to the afterlife and graves. The author, having selected about twenty words from the dictionary of the monument, written in a religious context, analyzes the semantic, phonetic, structural aspects using the comparative method. When analyzing selected religious terms and concepts, attention is paid to their use in ancient and medieval monuments, as well as in modern Turkic languages.

The Turkic Layer of Religious Terms in “Divan-i Hikmet” (Based on the Kokshetau Version)

In this article the author discusses the use of religious terms that play an important role in the vocabulary of a literary work of philosophical and religious content of «Divan-i Hikmet». At the beginning of the article, information is presented related to religious terms and concepts that have long been used in the Turkic languages, and which have been transformed into archaisms. Along with this, in this article are analyzed the options of different scientists related with the vocabulary and the structure of words in various versions of the work «Divan-i Hikmet». Comparing the number of Turkisms and borrowed words in the vocabulary of the work, the author provides statistical data. Depending on the semantic features of the Turkic structure of religious terms found in «Divan-i Hikmet», they were divided into such groups as words used in the meaning of “Creator”, “God”; words and concepts used in the meaning of “Prophet”, “Messenger of God”; words describing religious people; words and expressions used in the meaning of “faith in God”, “worship”, “coming to faith”; words and expressions used in the meaning of “sin”, “sinning”, “delusion”; as well as words referring to the afterlife and graves. The author, having selected about twenty words from the dictionary of the monument, written in a religious context, analyzes the semantic, phonetic, structural aspects using the comparative method. When analyzing selected religious terms and concepts, attention is paid to their use in ancient and medieval monuments, as well as in modern Turkic languages.


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