Modern state of the Aral roach in the small Aral sea

Since 1988, after a long break, the flow of the Syr Darya river began to flow into the Small Aral sea, which amounted to an annual volume . As a result, formed the saline area where he was to inhabit fresh water fishing native fish fauna, including the Aral roach. The results of research work on the assessment of the Aral roach population in the Small Aral sea, i.e. the main biological indicators, age composition, field structure, number, ichthyomass and commercial stock of the Aral roach are presented in the flock.

Modern state of the Aral roach in the small Aral sea

Since 1988, after a long break, the flow of the Syr Darya river began to flow into the Small Aral sea, which amounted to an annual volume . As a result, formed the saline area where he was to inhabit fresh water fishing native fish fauna, including the Aral roach. The results of research work on the assessment of the Aral roach population in the Small Aral sea, i.e. the main biological indicators, age composition, field structure, number, ichthyomass and commercial stock of the Aral roach are presented in the flock.


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