Use of system of wireless transfer of electrical energy at distance

This work considers question related to technology of wireless transmission of energy over a distance. Despite the fact that wireless transmission of energy over a distance is relatively new area of technology, it’s dynamically developing. However, theoretical foundation of this field doesn’t exist yet. Holding this position, given work examines calculation algorithms for flux linkages that generates electrical currents in the system of solenoids. Wherein it’s shown that those flux linkages occur from physical properties of solenoids(coils) at axial parts. Also, it’s assumed that those magnetic flows are energy transmitters. The technology of concentration of displacement currents on receiving coils is offered. Based on the laws of magnetism and electromagnetism, the capability of concentration of flux linkages generated by solenoids is asserted and the computational algorithms of this technology are proposed.

Use of system of wireless transfer of electrical energy at distance

This work considers question related to technology of wireless transmission of energy over a distance. Despite the fact that wireless transmission of energy over a distance is relatively new area of technology, it’s dynamically developing. However, theoretical foundation of this field doesn’t exist yet. Holding this position, given work examines calculation algorithms for flux linkages that generates electrical currents in the system of solenoids. Wherein it’s shown that those flux linkages occur from physical properties of solenoids(coils) at axial parts. Also, it’s assumed that those magnetic flows are energy transmitters. The technology of concentration of displacement currents on receiving coils is offered. Based on the laws of magnetism and electromagnetism, the capability of concentration of flux linkages generated by solenoids is asserted and the computational algorithms of this technology are proposed.


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