Comparative analysis of the history of children’s diseases with iron deficiency anemia, treated in the City Children's Hospital for the period 2015-2017years

Iron deficiency conditions occur in almost half of the world's population. The analysis of the causes of children’s iron deficiency anemia of different ages, as well as on the basis of hemoglobin data upon admission and after depending on the degree of severity of anemia, shows the effectiveness of blood transfusion and joint oral and parenteral administration of children’s iron preparations treated in the city clinical hospital in Turkestan for the period 2015 - 2017 years.

Comparative analysis of the history of children’s diseases with iron deficiency anemia, treated in the City Children's Hospital for the period 2015-2017years

Iron deficiency conditions occur in almost half of the world's population. The analysis of the causes of children’s iron deficiency anemia of different ages, as well as on the basis of hemoglobin data upon admission and after depending on the degree of severity of anemia, shows the effectiveness of blood transfusion and joint oral and parenteral administration of children’s iron preparations treated in the city clinical hospital in Turkestan for the period 2015 - 2017 years.


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