Modern hydroecological state of the lower currency of the syrdaria river and using its resource resources

The Syrdaria River, which is the main water artery of the Aral Sea, undergoes significant anthropogenic pressure. For various household needs from the river basin. Syrdarya annually takes about 12,000 million m3 of water, including 9600 million m3 for irrigation, that is, for irrigation. 80%. The annual discharge of the Syrdarya river in the lower reaches for a long period is characterized by instability, which is due to both natural and anthropogenic factors. In the article the questions are considered in the modern period the influence of the anthropogenic factor on the natural ecological system is very high. Irrational use of biological resources and water infrastructure is one of the main negative factors.

Modern hydroecological state of the lower currency of the syrdaria river and using its resource resources

The Syrdaria River, which is the main water artery of the Aral Sea, undergoes significant anthropogenic pressure. For various household needs from the river basin. Syrdarya annually takes about 12,000 million m3 of water, including 9600 million m3 for irrigation, that is, for irrigation. 80%. The annual discharge of the Syrdarya river in the lower reaches for a long period is characterized by instability, which is due to both natural and anthropogenic factors. In the article the questions are considered in the modern period the influence of the anthropogenic factor on the natural ecological system is very high. Irrational use of biological resources and water infrastructure is one of the main negative factors.


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