Amino acid value of some kazakh national meat dishes

The high biological value of meat and food is mainly due to their amino acid composition, and all the dishes studied are rich in such essential amino acids as lysine, leucine, threonine, phenylalanine + tyrosine, and interchangeable acids: glutamine and asparagine. In the article it is proved that in beef dishes - in soups and fried meat - in comparison with lamb dishes, higher content of leucine and lysine, glutamine is more than twice and more olein - unsaturated fatty acid, which places them in the first row of products , supplying the formation of biological and physiological activity of the body with valuable nutrients. The protein-amino acid composition of these dishes is well balanced and there are no limited amino acids completely. After the reception of meat dishes, they begin to perform the functions of an internal factor, and the incoming nutrients affect the growth and development of cells, increasing the capacity for work of the person and providing an opportunity to withstand negative environmental factors.

Amino acid value of some kazakh national meat dishes

The high biological value of meat and food is mainly due to their amino acid composition, and all the dishes studied are rich in such essential amino acids as lysine, leucine, threonine, phenylalanine + tyrosine, and interchangeable acids: glutamine and asparagine. In the article it is proved that in beef dishes - in soups and fried meat - in comparison with lamb dishes, higher content of leucine and lysine, glutamine is more than twice and more olein - unsaturated fatty acid, which places them in the first row of products , supplying the formation of biological and physiological activity of the body with valuable nutrients. The protein-amino acid composition of these dishes is well balanced and there are no limited amino acids completely. After the reception of meat dishes, they begin to perform the functions of an internal factor, and the incoming nutrients affect the growth and development of cells, increasing the capacity for work of the person and providing an opportunity to withstand negative environmental factors.


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