Works of National Painting in the Development of Educational Programs of Pedagogical Specialties

The article actualizes the idea of developing system-modeling approaches to the development of technologies by students of pedagogical universities that ensure the use of works of domestic painting in the educational process. Within the framework of the project «Didactic potential of national painting in the implementation of the program of spiritual revival of the nation», a study is being conducted aimed at meaningful and didactic provision of work with the works of Kazakhstani artists in strict adherence to the program of spiritual revival, the methodological aspect of which is set out in the patriotic act "Tugan Zher". The relevance of the work on the introduction of national painting into the educational process is dictated by modern requirements in a number of scientific studies devoted to various types of Kazakh national art and the use of its potential in the spiritual revival of the nation, the appeal to the works of national painting is considered as an effective means of teaching. The project participants objectify the idea of a syncretic approach to the use of this tool: putting the knowledge paradigm to the fore and taking into account the possibilities of painting as an art form, it is necessary to consider the didactic aspect of using the works of domestic artists in the educational process. The scientific significance of the Project «Didactic potential of national painting in the implementation of the program of spiritual revival of the nation» considers the national spirit of this type of national creativity among the folklore, literary, theatrical, musical heritage of the Kazakh people for use as one of the effective forms of presentation of ethno-cultural views of the Kazakh people. The novelty of the project lies in the fact that it presents a system-modeled description of the work on the spiritual formation of secondary school students through the training of future teachers in the conditions of modern pedagogical universities. The importance of this kind of training is proved by the materials of the conducted experiments, in which both the performers declared in the Project and teachers of different types of schools took part. The selection, verification and description of innovative technologies in working with paintings are focused both on activating the emotional perception of students, and on instilling in them the skills of creative analysis of paintings, and on generalizing theoretical provisions that contribute to the development of the spiritual heritage of the people. The article is an analytical study of those areas of work that should be carried out at the second stage of the study, which determines the relevance and features of the formation of teachers' skills with students of secondary schools within the framework of the «Tugan Zher» program.

Works of National Painting in the Development of Educational Programs of Pedagogical Specialties

The article actualizes the idea of developing system-modeling approaches to the development of technologies by students of pedagogical universities that ensure the use of works of domestic painting in the educational process. Within the framework of the project «Didactic potential of national painting in the implementation of the program of spiritual revival of the nation», a study is being conducted aimed at meaningful and didactic provision of work with the works of Kazakhstani artists in strict adherence to the program of spiritual revival, the methodological aspect of which is set out in the patriotic act "Tugan Zher". The relevance of the work on the introduction of national painting into the educational process is dictated by modern requirements in a number of scientific studies devoted to various types of Kazakh national art and the use of its potential in the spiritual revival of the nation, the appeal to the works of national painting is considered as an effective means of teaching. The project participants objectify the idea of a syncretic approach to the use of this tool: putting the knowledge paradigm to the fore and taking into account the possibilities of painting as an art form, it is necessary to consider the didactic aspect of using the works of domestic artists in the educational process. The scientific significance of the Project «Didactic potential of national painting in the implementation of the program of spiritual revival of the nation» considers the national spirit of this type of national creativity among the folklore, literary, theatrical, musical heritage of the Kazakh people for use as one of the effective forms of presentation of ethno-cultural views of the Kazakh people. The novelty of the project lies in the fact that it presents a system-modeled description of the work on the spiritual formation of secondary school students through the training of future teachers in the conditions of modern pedagogical universities. The importance of this kind of training is proved by the materials of the conducted experiments, in which both the performers declared in the Project and teachers of different types of schools took part. The selection, verification and description of innovative technologies in working with paintings are focused both on activating the emotional perception of students, and on instilling in them the skills of creative analysis of paintings, and on generalizing theoretical provisions that contribute to the development of the spiritual heritage of the people. The article is an analytical study of those areas of work that should be carried out at the second stage of the study, which determines the relevance and features of the formation of teachers' skills with students of secondary schools within the framework of the «Tugan Zher» program.


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