The purpose of this research is to 1) discover a learning model that can improve students' conceptual understanding of social studies during the pandemic era and 2) analyze the effectiveness of the blended learning model based on Jepara's local wisdom to improve student's conceptual understanding. This research was conducted because of a lack of student's concept understanding, blended learning model and social studies learning didn't integrate with local wisdom. This research method is Research and Development that uses the procedure of Borg & Gall with ten stages. The trial design of product improvement is the nonequivalent pretest-posttest control group design. Data sources in this research were from teachers and students. The data collection techniques were observation, interview, and test. The data analyzed were validity and reliability test, worthiness test of learning model, and effectiveness test. The worthiness test of the learning model was expert validation and pretest-posttest. The effectiveness test of the learning model were 1) normality and homogeneity test, and 2) the effectiveness test used two independent sample t-test. The effectiveness test of the learning model in the experimental group can reach the minimum standard competence with P-value = 0.018. This research showed that a blended learning model based on Jepara's local wisdom could increase students' conceptual understanding of social studies.


The purpose of this research is to 1) discover a learning model that can improve students' conceptual understanding of social studies during the pandemic era and 2) analyze the effectiveness of the blended learning model based on Jepara's local wisdom to improve student's conceptual understanding. This research was conducted because of a lack of student's concept understanding, blended learning model and social studies learning didn't integrate with local wisdom. This research method is Research and Development that uses the procedure of Borg & Gall with ten stages. The trial design of product improvement is the nonequivalent pretest-posttest control group design. Data sources in this research were from teachers and students. The data collection techniques were observation, interview, and test. The data analyzed were validity and reliability test, worthiness test of learning model, and effectiveness test. The worthiness test of the learning model was expert validation and pretest-posttest. The effectiveness test of the learning model were 1) normality and homogeneity test, and 2) the effectiveness test used two independent sample t-test. The effectiveness test of the learning model in the experimental group can reach the minimum standard competence with P-value = 0.018. This research showed that a blended learning model based on Jepara's local wisdom could increase students' conceptual understanding of social studies.


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