The article deals with the use of the case study method that is considered to be one of the modern and actively used methods of interactive teaching of foreign languages in higher educational institutions.The case study method is a type of method that develops critical thinking and interpersonal communication skills. This method can be used to encourage students to use the scheelt language effectively. The authors believe that the case study method allows you to apply theoretical knowledge in practice. The article emphasizes that case studies require students to actively develop many skills. The authors believe that due to the fact that the types of case studies differ depending on the level of language skills of students, it is necessary to correctly choose the type of problem lesson according to the level of knowledge of the same group. For the purpose of a more communicative approach, much attention is paid to identifying the specifics of using cases in teaching a foreign language. Examples of the use of cases in the lessons for the formation of speech activity and speech skills are given. Case studies are considered a good motivation for students, as various case studies are aimed at the overall intellectual development and communicative potential of students and teachers. Case studies develop various practical skills, such as creative problem solving and decision-making.


The article deals with the use of the case study method that is considered to be one of the modern and actively used methods of interactive teaching of foreign languages in higher educational institutions.The case study method is a type of method that develops critical thinking and interpersonal communication skills. This method can be used to encourage students to use the scheelt language effectively. The authors believe that the case study method allows you to apply theoretical knowledge in practice. The article emphasizes that case studies require students to actively develop many skills. The authors believe that due to the fact that the types of case studies differ depending on the level of language skills of students, it is necessary to correctly choose the type of problem lesson according to the level of knowledge of the same group. For the purpose of a more communicative approach, much attention is paid to identifying the specifics of using cases in teaching a foreign language. Examples of the use of cases in the lessons for the formation of speech activity and speech skills are given. Case studies are considered a good motivation for students, as various case studies are aimed at the overall intellectual development and communicative potential of students and teachers. Case studies develop various practical skills, such as creative problem solving and decision-making.


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