Features Establishing Tariff Rates of Workers in Construction Organizations
In this paper we consider the effectiveness of the tariff rate in the accounting system of wages in construction companies. It is also characterized by a number of factors and the brand of tariff rates by industry construction workers. This work will help in the form of key footnotes in the calculation of wages in the construction of small and medium level. Different levels of builders, installers are given for the selection and sorting of remuneration in the construction system.
Features Establishing Tariff Rates of Workers in Construction Organizations
In this paper we consider the effectiveness of the tariff rate in the accounting system of wages in construction companies. It is also characterized by a number of factors and the brand of tariff rates by industry construction workers. This work will help in the form of key footnotes in the calculation of wages in the construction of small and medium level. Different levels of builders, installers are given for the selection and sorting of remuneration in the construction system.
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