Scientific and Theretical Bases of Management of Industrial and Innovative Development of Agro-Industrial Complex
In article are investigated scientific and theoretical bases of management of industrial-innovative development of agro-industrial complex in conditions development of the market relations. Questions of transformation of an agro-industrial komples on the basis of realization of the «Agrobusiness-2020» program are considered. Prerequisites scientific-theoretical bases of management of industrial-innovative development of agro-industrial complex of Kazakhstan are shown on materials of the Southern Kazakhstan area, that belongs to the agrarian-industrial region. Problems of state regulation of development of agro-industrial complex in the conditions of innovative development of the branch are also investigated. Stimulation development of a kaooperation is considered as one of actual problems in agriculture.
Scientific and Theretical Bases of Management of Industrial and Innovative Development of Agro-Industrial Complex
In article are investigated scientific and theoretical bases of management of industrial-innovative development of agro-industrial complex in conditions development of the market relations. Questions of transformation of an agro-industrial komples on the basis of realization of the «Agrobusiness-2020» program are considered. Prerequisites scientific-theoretical bases of management of industrial-innovative development of agro-industrial complex of Kazakhstan are shown on materials of the Southern Kazakhstan area, that belongs to the agrarian-industrial region. Problems of state regulation of development of agro-industrial complex in the conditions of innovative development of the branch are also investigated. Stimulation development of a kaooperation is considered as one of actual problems in agriculture.
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