Use of Normed System for Solution of Differential Equations of Fraction Order

This is some of the retail order for the operator to develop a method of creating solutions to differential equations. Linear functions in the space of a standardized system introduced and investigated the properties of these system. And these qualities to the creation of a fractional order differential equations using analytical solutions invest igated. Retail order operators are examples of the functions of standard systems. And retail operators who participated in the differential nonlinearity of the equation are investigated.

Use of Normed System for Solution of Differential Equations of Fraction Order

This is some of the retail order for the operator to develop a method of creating solutions to differential equations. Linear functions in the space of a standardized system introduced and investigated the properties of these system. And these qualities to the creation of a fractional order differential equations using analytical solutions invest igated. Retail order operators are examples of the functions of standard systems. And retail operators who participated in the differential nonlinearity of the equation are investigated.


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