Microbiological Activity 1-Cyclohexyl-3-Diethylamino-3-yn-1-yl Ester n-Feniltiokarbaminic Acid

This article presents the results of the synthesis of thiocarbamate аminoacetylenic alcohol and his microbiological testing against fungal cultures - agents of root rot. It is found that the antimicrobial compound based on 1-cyclohexyl-3-diethylamino-3-yn-1-yl ester N- feniltiokarbaminіс acid gives significantly high effect of protection against all microorganisms at low concentrations.

Microbiological Activity 1-Cyclohexyl-3-Diethylamino-3-yn-1-yl Ester n-Feniltiokarbaminic Acid

This article presents the results of the synthesis of thiocarbamate аminoacetylenic alcohol and his microbiological testing against fungal cultures - agents of root rot. It is found that the antimicrobial compound based on 1-cyclohexyl-3-diethylamino-3-yn-1-yl ester N- feniltiokarbaminіс acid gives significantly high effect of protection against all microorganisms at low concentrations.


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