Increase of Innovation Efficiency in Sheepbreeding
This article discusses the current state of sheep growing as a branch of Agriculture and ways of development for the future based on innovation. There considered the effective use of the main sheep products - meat, wool, hides, dairy products and evidence-based guidelines for the development of the industry. The development of sheep breeding in general has a positive effect on the development of the livestock industry. In order to withstand the competition of sheep production at the global level, it is necessary to step up the introduction of new innovative technologies. For the success of the efforts in this direction should be to improve the economic efficiency of the sector, the rational use of advanced technology and new equipment.
Increase of Innovation Efficiency in Sheepbreeding
This article discusses the current state of sheep growing as a branch of Agriculture and ways of development for the future based on innovation. There considered the effective use of the main sheep products - meat, wool, hides, dairy products and evidence-based guidelines for the development of the industry. The development of sheep breeding in general has a positive effect on the development of the livestock industry. In order to withstand the competition of sheep production at the global level, it is necessary to step up the introduction of new innovative technologies. For the success of the efforts in this direction should be to improve the economic efficiency of the sector, the rational use of advanced technology and new equipment.
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