In today's mathematics curriculum, it is clearly stated that "people who can use in the problem solving process, apply to different disciplines, make assumptions, make generalizations, think analytically, model problems with mathematical reasoning, relate models with verbal and mathematical expressions". In this context, it is important that mathematics teachers, who are practitioners of the curriculum, use mathematical modeling practices in their lessons and put them into mathematical modeling. The purpose of this research is to determine the opinions of mathematics teachers of primary and secondary schools about the mathematical modeling. This study, which used phenomenological design, was conducted with the participation of four primary and four secondary school mathematics teachers in Erzurum province center. The data of this study with a total of eight teachers were collected with semi-structured interviews and analyzed descriptively. While each primary school mathematics teacher who participated in the interview applied mathematical modeling, it was determined that none of the secondary mathematics teachers practiced it. At the end of the study, teachers at both levels did not have enough knowledge about mathematical modeling and teachers were not aware of it. For this reason, it is considered useful to add a curriculum for mathematical modeling in teacher training institutions.


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