The main purpose of this research is to examine the problem solving processes of prospectiveelementary mathematics teachers and to identify how the problem solving instruction affectsprospective teachers’ problem solving processes. It is also aimed to investigate the prospectiveteachers’ opinions about problem solving process and problem solving instruction. Thisqualitative study was conducted with the participation of 36 prospective elementarymathematics teachers enrolled in an elective course entitled as Problem solving in 2016-2017academic year. At the beginning and at the end of the semester, prospective mathematicsteachers were asked to pose and solve a problem. At the end of the problem solving course,interviews were conducted with seven prospective mathematics teachers. Descriptive analysismethod was used for data analysis. The results of the research showed that before the problemsolving course, prospective mathematics teachers did not follow problem solving steps andsolved the problems they wrote by using equations. After the problem solving course, they havebegun to apply the problem solving steps and strategies explained to them during the lessons. Itwas also determined that prospective teachers had positive opinions about problem solvinginstruction. Similarly, prospective mathematics teachers stated that problem solving course hasenabled a lot of experience and valuable knowledge which would be useful to them in professionof teaching and increased their success and self-confidence.


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