Environmental ethics, which investigates human's moral relations with the environment philosophically, significantly affect the attitudes and behaviors of the individual towards the environment. This study aims to determine how teacher candidates form a link in their cognitive structures concerning the concept of environmental ethics and to evaluate the parts comparatively so that the established network of knowledge can be resolved. The study group consists of 150 university students whose social studies teachers, science and technology teachers and elementary school teachers are determined by the sample criteria of the 3rd and 4th grades of Siirt University at Education Faculty during the spring of the 2016-2017 academic year. Word association test was used as a data collection tool in the study. In the analysis of the obtained data, a frequency table generated from the responses given to the environmental ethics key concept was utilized. Besides, a network of concepts has been established to reveal the cognitive structures of the obtained data and teacher candidates separately and as a whole. It has been determined that the concept of "environmental ethics" as a whole is derived from teachers' candidates in terms of environmental ethics when evaluated in terms of content and ethics. In terms of departments, social science teachers and prospective teachers who read in elementary school teacher are more abstract words with ethical meaning when they are evaluated in frequency, while candidates in science knowledge use more concrete words. When the frequency table of the teachers' candidates about the concept of environmental ethics is examined, it has been determined that the social studies, elementary school, and science teacher candidates are inadequate in establishing scientific knowledge.


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