The aim of this study was to determine the knowledge and skill levels of science teacher candidates on the colored shadow formation and algebra of colors. The sample of the study consisted of randomly selected 10 undergraduate sophomore students registered in the Department of Science Education at the Department of Mathematics and Science Education of Ağrı İbrahim Çeçen University in 2018-2019 academic year. For this purpose, semi-structured interview questions created by the researcher were used to collect data and to determine the knowledge and skill levels of prospective teachers about the formation of colors and colored shadows. The teacher candidates were first asked the semi-structured interview questions about the colour algebra and colored shadows, then they were asked to make experiments about their answers to the questions and finally to make consistent explanations between the answers they gave in the first step and their experiments. The data obtained from this study were analyzed by separating according to the steps of primitive, synthesis and scientific knowledge. According to the results obtained from the research, it was understood that pre-service science teachers have prior knowledge about colors but their knowledge and skill levels related to color algebra and colored shadows were not sufficient. It was determined that the level of knowledge of teacher candidates about the colors was in the synthesis step, but their knowledge about color shadows and color algebra was in the primitive stage. In addition, it was understood that the science teacher candidates' color algebra and color shadows skills were in primitive level. In order to better understand the colors of teachers and academics, students and pre-service teachers, it is recommended to design experiments related to color arithmetic and colored shadows to share these experiments in the classroom, environment, science festivals and various social networks. At the same time, it is recommended to include colored shadows and algebra of colors in the science curriculum.


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